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Posts by ruakahan
Name: Nguyễn Phương Hồng Hân
Joined: Feb 3, 2024
Last Post: Feb 8, 2024
Threads: 2
Posts: 2  
From: Vietnam
School: Ho Chi Minh City University of Education

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Feb 8, 2024
Writing Feedback / A noticeable lack of students opting for science subjects at universities [2]

topic: A noticeable lack of students opting for science subjects at universities is observed in various countries. What are the reasons and what are the effects on society?A noticeable lack of students opting for science subjects at universities is observed in various countries. What are the reasons and what are the effects on society?

In certain parts of the world, it can be seen that few learners are interested in registering science subjects. There are various causes that discourage students from choosing ones. Our society will be seriously influenced due to this tendency.

A small number of students choosing science to learn at schools is witnessed a scarcity owing to plenty of factors. Firstly, financial status plays a significant role in their choices of subjects. Since each individual comes from a different economic background, not everyone is affluent enough to spend money on these courses. To be specific, compared to other subjects such as Philosophy or economics, learning Science means a diversity of experiments required considerable outlay for facilitating students. understanding. Secondly, most science programs are not well-designed to engage their attention. Although the contents are abstract and difficult, learners tend to be provided with monotonous lessons filled with theories only. They also find what they learn during these sessions insufficient for them to apply in reality.

As a result, society will be responsible for the tendency of underrated science subjects. To begin with, there will be a shortage of residents who excel in science. When a business is in need of science experts to give advice or references, they resort to exterior sources of labor. Therefore, that country is about to spend lots of money on worker recruitment in this sphere from other nations. Moreover, science courses are prone to be removed from the universities' curriculum because of their unpopularity. This causes scholars to opt for study overseas, which is inconvenient and interrupts their passion for learning science. Nations consequently have to take the burden of brain drain and deprivation of elite students who pursue abroad education and settle down there.

In conclusion, financial issue and unattractive science curriculum development is attributed to a downward trend in learning science subjects. Therefore, society will lack a science labor force and take responsibility for science's disappearance.
Feb 7, 2024
Writing Feedback / [IELTS WRITING TASK 1] Percentage of households [4]

The most important thing about task 1 is that you have to define correctly the overview. Are you confident enough to say that the number of that increased?
Feb 3, 2024
Writing Feedback / As countries progress, there is a trend towards living alone or in smaller family units [2]

Topic As countries progress, there is a trend towards living alone or in smaller family units. What might be the causes of this trend and its effects on society?

In the contemporary era, more and more people are switching to a lifestyle in which they live alone or with a small number of family members. There are various reasons contributing to this trend. This is deemed as a negative development in society.

In fact, many individuals decide to scale down their family units because of several factors. Firstly, life quality is significantly elevated if they live with fewer family members. Not only is living space more comfortable with little furnishings, but the surrounding environment is also not seriously affected by noise pollution when there are only two or three people living under one roof. This helps people avoid family quarrels usually seen in an extended family where each individuals have different lifestyles that conflict with each other. Secondly, people who opt for this lifestyle have a burning desire to live on their own with a view to improving themselves. They will become independent from the other people in their family in many aspects of daily life such as household chores or self-care. Their social networking is also about to be broadened as they can spend more time engaging in hangouts with multitudes instead of staying at home and talking with immediate family members.

However, pursuing a living-alone lifestyle or small family trend negatively impacts society. To begin with, people's well-being might significantly decrease due to the amount of stress they have to deal with when living alone. This is the result of taking the burden of taking care of themselves, managing familial things, and working alone. Moreover, the relationships among them with the other family members living far away from them will fade away. It is evident that the family drift is attributed to the little time spent together since people are inundated with their personal lives. In addition, there might be a lack of accommodation in the areas where small family units are located. A plethora of houses and apartments bring into the suffocation of the city landscape if each family has two or three houses for some individuals.

In conclusion, the tendency of scale-down-member families is getting popular owing to the demand for a high-quality life and self-improvement. Society will be detrimentally impacted in terms of low residents' well-being, family distance alongside with accommodation deprivation.
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