Research Papers /
Academic honesty research paper (with a survey) [5]
1. I do believe that life require honesty, but to succeed in it depends on the view of each individual, and cirumstances. Take "white-lies" for example, it is bad to lie, but it could be a good action to take if the truth is harmful to the person who is effected by that truth. For me, its better to tell the truth even if it does hurt at the time, but if I don't tell the truth when it happens, it might come back to haunt me and maybe hurt me and the person involved even more severe.
2. The truth in academic career need the most honesty in it. To start out truthfully, means you'll end truthfully. Both you and your conscience would feel better, and in turn you wont have to worry about unnecessary things and just worry about studying instead.
3 & 4. I have wittness cheating before, but its never anything major. That particular class mate sometimes ask for help during vocabulary quizes ( one or twice). That's all. If it were to happen during a test, than its really bad and I would tell the teacher to watch out for that classmate, but I wouldn't tell that he was cheating... At the time, I didn't feel that it was right, but didn't say anything because I know he is a good student.
5. ? maybe the above answer is the answer to this question too.
6. I do regrett asking help from my classmate one time for a vocabuary definition like my classmate from above. But after that quiz, I felt really wrong and disgusted with myself, and vouch that i would study the quizes better, or if i don't know the word, then i would just have to leave it blank...It has been like this four the last 3 years now, and even though i get a bad grade for incompleteness, I feel good about myself afterward.
7. doesn't need to be answer
please don't complain that my answers are cheesy, because you asked me say them..;} you can address me a L.H. as one your source if you decided to use these answers. I'm a senior, but I'm sorry I don't want to tell you my school.. best wishes...