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Posts by Alif Biswas
Name: Md. Alif Biswas
Joined: Oct 3, 2015
Last Post: Oct 6, 2015
Threads: 3
Posts: 5  
From: Bangladesh
School: Notre Dame College

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Alif Biswas   
Oct 6, 2015
Scholarship / Study plan for a BSc course KGSP-2016. I want to be a entrepreneur. [3]

KGSP-2016 wants a study plan containing

A.Study plans to improve foreign languages(Korean, English, etc) required for taking a bachelor's degree course
BEFORE and AFTER you come to Korea.

B.Study plan for a bachelor's degree course (Please state the reason you choose such universities and departments (or majors), your academic goals, specific plans (including timeline) to achieve them, and future plan after completion of your study. In case that preferred departments (or majors) of the preferred universities are different, please mention about them separately.)

*I have done it in a shirt time.so many mistakes can be found.


In the case of proficiency in English, I have been learning it from my kindergarten school as my second language. So I don't need to think about English. But Korean Language is not known to me as like as English. If I get the scholarship, at first I will start learning the basic knowledge of Korean language like Hangul. I have a little bit knowledge about the Korean Language. I had learned it from my father when I was in 6th grade. Before involving in business, my father was a medical technologist and he had to learn Korean language for his job purposes. So I will practice my previous knowledge at the first segment.

After arriving in Korea I will join the one year long Korean Language Course offered by NIIED. As far as I know, a grantee should reach level 3 in TOPIK upon completion of the preliminary Korean language course, before starting to take a bachelor's degree course. And if anyone gets level 5 or higher in TOPIK then he/she will receive extra monthly allowance. Moreover I have to live at least 5 year in Korea to recieve my higher education. So, It will be compulsory for me to gain proficiency and reach level 5 in TOPIK. Getting engaged with Korean culture will be a good way to acquire the Korean language naturally. I will read Korean books and newspapers to enhance my reading skill. I will make some Korean friends if it possible. Because, by doing this I will be able to enhance my communication skill in Korean language. I will watch Korean TV shows and listen radio programs to develop my listening skill. After doing all these, if I get leisure period then I will study about the basic things of Computer Science. So that my upcoming bachelor's degree course will seem easier to me.


From an early age I have always been deeply interested in computer. Solving a difficult math problem gives me pleasure. There are also many reasons for . So,De bachelor's degree in Computer Science Engineering. I have learnt details about the top universities in Korea that have CSE department.

As my plan is to do a B.Sc degree in Computer Science & Engineering, I need to find out universities having an excellent CSE department. I have chosen three prominent universities in Korea. These three universities have notable position in world ranking. In addition, the aforementioned universities hold distinguished Computer Science Department. I believe I will get a University where I can receive quality education with experienced and friendly teacher and a platform .

Regular study is the key to do fantastic academic result. So I will be much concerned about studying regularly. Moreover, practical knowledge is more effective for me. So, I will join the practical classes with full of my concentration. A proverb goes that Practice makes a man perfect. This line is applicable for every sphere of life. Hence, I will practice my skills of CSE to be a perfect engineer. I have always been the top level student in my school. So nothing different will happen in my higher education. I will keep doing top results.

Student life is tasteless without extracurricular activities. As I was engaged with extracurricular activities before, I will continue it in my University by joining co curricular clubs. For boosting my enthusiasm, I will participate in IT based competition during my studies.

I will start my bachelor's degree course in spring semester of 2017. Then I will complete it within 4 years. I will try my best to achieve the highest CGPA in my B.Sc. as like as I have achieved in my high school. Then I will apply for Master's degree in the top Universities of Korea. And definitely I will get my M.Sc. in Computer Science & Engineering. After that I will do my PhD in software engineering or any other computer based subject.

When I will complete Master's degree I will establish an IT farm of my own. This IT farm will also be an IT research centre where young researcher can explore creative ideas. I will research there for creating something. I want to be a entrepreneur. I will offer job to others

In my country, maximum students are lagging behind in Information technology. So, I have a plan to form a non-profit institution in Bangladesh where unprivileged students can get touched with the modern information technology. So that they can grow their desire in Information Technology.

As I will start from zero, I will have to face many ups and downs to carry on. But It should also be noted that most of the reputed persons had started from nothing but their determination. And I am fully determined to reach my unchangeable goal by my best effort and courage.
Alif Biswas   
Oct 4, 2015
Scholarship / I had made a deal with my father - he bought me a computer (I won the deal) - KGSP 2016 essay [3]

Hello, I am applying for Korean Government Scholarship Program-2016.
My writing is not good in English.So It will be helpful for me if anyone make some improvement of the essay.

In 2006, I had made a deal with my father that if I got chance to study in a certain renowned school, he would gift me a computer. Later my father bought me a computer to fulfill the deal and since then computer has fascinated me. I really enjoy the delightful feeling I get after solving a difficult problem. That is why I had decided to be a Computer Science Engineer. There is no doubt that Korea is an advanced country in Science and Technology and holds the topmost Universities in the world. A KGSP scholarship winner will get financial support to meet tuition fees and other expenses while studying in a particular Korean University. In addition, Korean government will also sponsor a Korean language course for one year. As I am from a lower income family with a big dream, KGSP scholarship will be the best option for me to shape my future career.

I have completed my last graduation in Notre Dame College with the highest grade point according to whole students in my country. I believe only text books are not enough for a student. I used to read books out of my academic syllabuses. In the case of science, I always prefer to learn it from practical experiment. This way I have developed my mind to think outside the limited curriculum. I came from a lower middle class family of a developing country. From my childhood, I faced many financial hardships in my family. But financial crisis never depressed me rather it made me inspired to go ahead and taught me how to struggle in a critical situation. I want to be an asset for my family and also for my country.

Most notable success in my extracurricular activates is working as the President of Notre Dame Science Club. I had achieved that honorable position by my hard work, determination and leadership. Notre Dame Science Club is the biggest and oldest science club in our country holding its 60 years glory. I am also the Founder President of Motijheel Model Science Club and this club awarded me as a 'Best Panel Member' for my dedicative contribution. I had worked in a social welfare community named 'Amra Kuri' and I was the Senior Patrol Leader of 'Impisa Open Scout Group'. In short, extracurricular activity is like a source of recreation to me and my experiences in various extracurricular activities developed my leadership and organizing ability.

It is like my hobby to make a science project and display it in a science festival. I had participated in many science related competitions and achieved numerous successes. And the best achievement was wining the, "Special Non-Institutional Scientist Award-2011" from Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, a scientific research organization of People's Republic of Bangladesh, for my innovative scientific project. On that occasion, Bangladesh government also provided me a amount to research further in my project so that the project could be implemented in our country. I have also gained two national level awards for science project and a 'Award of Excellence' for outstanding performance in Science Olympiad.

I had worked in two publications as a Editor. Both of the publications are our science club's yearly magazine named 'Audri'. I had also worked as a graphics designer in a yearly magazine of Dhaka University Tourist Club. I am a Graphics Designer and I believe this skill is a valuable acquisition that will help me in future. Rubik's Cube can be solved by me within 45-55 second.

It is my habit to dream something big. Because I believe strong determination can make everything possible. I don't want to create another Microsoft or another Facebook or another Apple, but I want to create something bigger than Microsoft or Facebook or Apple. I have a well designed plan to fulfill my dream and now I just need support to reach in my goal. So, the wining of KGSP-2016 scholarship would be the support that I need to reach in my destination.
Alif Biswas   
Oct 4, 2015
Undergraduate / Mom motivates to succeed in life [4]

You have told the Holy truth. Mom is like a gift of God.
You can only repay her by taking care of her.
Alif Biswas   
Oct 4, 2015
Scholarship / A Personal Statement for KGSP-2016. If I get the scholarship then it maybe a turning point. [4]

Hello, I am applying for Korean Government Scholarship Program-2016 and have written a personal statement for it. Maybe there are many unnecessary lines.And my English is not highly standard. So it will be helpful for me if you give me some suggestions to improve this Personal statement.

Dear Sir,
I was very glad when I saw this particular opportunity to apply for study in Korea and With this letter I would like to express my personal statement for this Scholarship Program.

There are so many points that have made me influenced for applying in KGSP. At first, Korean academic environment is highly competitive. And I believe competition can enhance a student's enthusiasm to work hard and acquire a good result. Secondly, from an early age I have always been deeply interested in Science. Making Science projects is my hobby from childhood. It would be best for me if I get a chance to study in a institution which is prominent in Science. And in present days Korea is an advanced country in Science and Technology .Thirdly, I like the harmony between modernity and culture. Moreover, it also can be said that a rich culture can develop a person's mind and grow leadership. In this sense Korea holds a unique cultural heritage and tradition. A vital reason for applying in this scholarship is my family's financial hardship. I am from a middle class family. That is why, my father's income is not sufficient to bear my higher educational cost. So it is impossible for me to study in a good institution without any scholarship. Finally, every student is concern about his/her career after completing Graduation. In my point of view Korea Is an open platform for shaping a successful career..All of the thoughts above are deeply motivated me to apply for the scholarship program.

I have completed my Higher Secondary Certificate from the, best college of country, Notre Dame College. From my kindergarten school I was bright student. I am a student of Science and I feel interested in technology like computer, micro controller, mobile phone etc. On the other hand Mathematics is my favorite subject. So, I have decided to be a Computer Science Engineer. In this perspective, I follow those people who had made them renowned by working on modern technology. I had already made so many ideas and projects related to IT and I won a National Prize for my IT project. As a graphics designer I had worked in many publications. Graphics designing is fully computer based work and this thing has made me more interested in Computer. In my family ,I am the elder son of my parents. They have a lot of dreams with me. Moreover I have three younger brothers and they are followed by me. So if I can make a great career of myself then they will get more inspiration.

A significant experience in my life is participating in the 1st International Nature Summit-2015. I have participated in so many science based competition but this competition was quite different and risky for me. The competition required an amount of money for the entry. But on that time I was in financial crisis. So in normal logic I was not supposed to participate on that competition. But in the meantime a fabulous nature related project is rounding in my mind. A strong desire rose in me to participate in the International competition anyhow and show my idea to all. Then I started working hard

to materialize my project though I was not sure that I could manage the entry money or not. .Thereafter God shows me the way. Some of my friends helped me to meet the money matter they had also participated with me.. At last I arrived on the program with my project and displayed the idea to all the visitors. I was happy for the successful participation on there but wished for something more. I was praying to my God to win an award though it was close to impossible. But on that day my fate was with me. I had won the 'Runners Up' trophy for my outstanding project. My determination and strong desire made me successful to win an international competition.I had joined a seminar of Mahmudul Hasan Shohag, A scientist and entrepreneur, and that seminar is the turning point of my life. On that seminar I had known about how to use our brain properly, how to focus our concentration in a certain topics, how to do a impossible work with the unlimited power of human brain, how to avoid attractive things , how to design our life and how to be a great person. A quote of him inspire me every time and the quote is "You have a 50 billion worth brain with unlimited potential. So why do you need anything else to shine?."

From my childhood I was actively engaged with extracurricular activities. My first step in the extracurricular activities is joining the Bangladesh Scouts at the age of 10.My scouting life was full of success and adventurous. I was the youngest Senior Patrol Leader in our Scout Group. I had participated in many Scout Camping and joined a lot of training. Scouting taught me that how to survive in a critical situation like living in a forest without the help of modern technology. I also was a member of a Child Society named 'Fulkuri'. This Society worked with teen aged people for the welfare of society. Along with this society , I planted many trees in our city, cleaned our national park and organized many seminar for children rights. In 2011when I am in 9th class, I and some of my friends formed Motijheel Model Science Club(MMSC). This club learned me how to love and feel Science. I worked as a dedicated member in MMSC as a result I was nominated the President of the club. A science successful fair was organized under my authority.Then in 2013, I became a member of Notre Dame Science Club(NDSC) when I was studying in Notre Dame College. Notre Dame Science Club is the biggest and oldest science club holding it's 60 years glory. For my hard work, integrity, leadership and transparency in Notre Dame Science Club , I was selected President of Publication.NDSC is a big part of my life. NDSC has trained me organizing, leadership, transparency integrity and many other qualities that are helping me now and will also be a great support for my future life. I had worked with a Welfare Society named "Amra Kuri". I was a volunteer in many tragedy or disaster of our along with this society.In Short, Extracurricular activities are the stimulator my life and I think student life is boring without it.

Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, a scientific research organization of People's Republic of Bangladesh, awarded me the "Special non-institutional scientist award-2011" for my innovative scientific project that can prevent the railway accident. I have achieved another national award from 'Fulkuri Science Club" for the same project in 2009. In 2012 Notre Dame Science Club awarded me Certificate of honour for my creative IT project named "Talking library". Laboratorians Science Club bestowed me the "Certificate Of Excellence" for my enthusiastic perfomance in Biology Olympiad.Graphics designing is my another skill I have acquired the "Certificate of Honour" for a touching digital poster named "Global Warming is not a prediction". I was the graphics designer of our college's yearly magazine 'Audri 2014'. I had also worked for as a designer of a magazine named 'Explorer' and published by Dhaka University Tourist Club. I was the editor of 'Audri (Special Edition-2015)' and working for our an another publication 'Audri-2015' as a editor. I am rubics cuber. I have acquired the skill to solve a rubics cube within 45-55 seconds.I had also said before that I can do graphics designing. I am also an organizer and I had organized three top most and biggest science festival in our country.

Finally, If I get the scholarship then it may be a turning point in my life. Because I think study in Korean with full effort will make my career shine. I want to be a Computer Science Engineer and I hold a big dream in me. So I need a platform where I can go ahead to way of my destination.
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