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'The beginning is the middle' - Letter of motivation for GKS-U education

annyxradit 1 / -  
Sep 8, 2022   #1

Letter of motivation for GKS-U education

The beginning is the middle

My name is Tradito Annalisa. The reason why I intend to get this scholarship, and why I intend to start a university course, is my desire to educate and help the proper development of children and their well-being. I firmly believe that a good education is the basis for a good civilisation and being able to help young people grow into adults with a strong sense of ethics is one of my goals. This scholarship will prove to be the basis for my education and career foundation.

I have a high school diploma in Environmental Biotechnology from J.C. Maxwell. During my high school years I studied mainly science subjects such as biology, chemistry and physics.

My professors have been an inspiration to me. Their way of conveying passion and teaching made me realize that i would also like to be that kind of teacher for students. That teacher who encourages you to look at the world with the right curiosity.

I grew up in a family of four: my mother, father, older sister and myself. I can consider myself fortunate to have had a happy childhood despite the economic difficulties my parents faced but that never prevented them from giving me what I needed and, above all, it was not a reason for unhappiness within my household. My family, like many others, had serious problems but having faced them together, it was easier to bear the difficulties especially with the help of my older sister who, in most cases, helped me. I consider her the closest person to me and she was the first person to support me in this decision.

The support I received from my parents and my sister allowed me to have the courage to apply for this scholarship despite their fears of me being so far away from home and from them, but I am sure that this path will benefit me.

From the age of fourteen, I started volunteering through the Italian Red Cross in the "Giovani" project, a project that aims to contribute to the development of the personal and relational skills of youth to build more resilient and inclusive communities. This path helped me to understand how important prevention and education of healthy lifestyles in respect of the environment is, fostering social inclusion and respect for diversity. I was taught how to approach children and use play as a teaching method to stimulate their curiosity and adaptive leadership skills.

My curiosity about Korea is not only due to the excellent education, but also to the culture so different from my own, which fascinates me a lot and which has prompted me many times to inquire about the lifestyle, traditions and history of this fascinating country.

After graduating, I started working in the family business to help my parents and not to burden them too much financially. Over time, however, I began to feel the heaviness of a life path that did not coincide with my passion, leading me to seek scholarships in order to follow my dream of becoming a teacher in one of the countries I love most.

I hope that this letter demonstrates my sincere motives and that it can show you what a deserving candidate I am who is willing to make a big change in her life but especially in the lives of others. This scholarship is my means to embark on this path in the world of teaching and life.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4835  
Sep 9, 2022   #2
The main question the reviewer will have for this applicant is "Why study Education in Korea when the system of teaching will be different from that of Italy? Why not study in Italy where the applicant will become an educator instead?" That is the big motivational question that is not addressed in this essay. He should revise the essay to address this main question in relation to the inspiration he might have drawn from his exposure to the Red Cross program. Quite frankly, I do not believe that this essay will get past the screening stage since it is extremely weak in terms of connecting the scholarship motivation with the chosen U course of the student, among its other forgettable content. It is actually a lightweight essay that could easily be ignored by the reviewer or worse, he may not even finish reading the personal statement due to the lack of impressive qualifications of the applicant.
vxxra25 - / 2  
Sep 10, 2022   #3

write in depth about everything and dont mention details like your name as they already know it from your application. There arent much reasons WHY they should select you for the scholarship

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