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I believe that my undergraduate studies have set the foundations for a successful Master

acosmin 1 / -  
Mar 24, 2015   #1
Letter of motivation

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Thanks a lot.

My decision to study at X University stems from a desire to continue my studies in the field of X, in particular, of which I have become attached in the past three years. I believe that my undergraduate studies have set the foundations for a successful Master and the two years I would spend studying X at X will allow me to be part of an international community of students in the field. On the one hand, I was delighted to read about the University's Problem Based Learning system which I find that entirely suits my learning habits and, on the other hand, I'm keen to experience the international atmosphere at X University and to be able to connect it to my studies.

I chose to pursue a career in engineering because I have always been interested in structure, geometry, how things fit together, how an object that performs a function can also be a work of art. Even when I was young, my favourite toy was a screwdriver. I would take things apart to see how they work, and later, I even started to put them back afterwards.

Early on in secondary education subjects like Physics, Mathematics and Informatics caught my attention and most of my time I spent studying these subjects. This effort led to a positive results because I managed to enter in a class of Computer Science and Mathematics in high school.

After graduating high school with an emphasis on science, I had to make the next step into my education, an undergraduate degree, and naturally, "X" University of X was the option I figured. The faculty I chose was X because it best combines my passion for theoretical Physics with practical application in Informatics.

After I have finished my third year, I became an intern at National Operational Dispatch Unit, where I learned a lot of interesting concepts about processes, structure and operation of the National Power System. This experience helped me to realize what I really want, which is to further develop my studies abroad, where I could interact and work with students coming from different cultures and backgrounds.

I am aware that this Master of Science requires complete commitment, and I know that my dedication and persistence will lead me to success. I am certain that studying two years at X University will be a great opportunity to gain solid knowledge as well also valuable expertise like a benefit for my later professional experiences. Besides, a master's degree in X will provide me a good opportunity to improve my knowledge both practically and theoretically.

Furthermore, the decision to apply for the X comes also from two very personal reasons: firstly, I expect that this master program provides me chance to get to know with energy systems and affiliates me to the industries, which are living examples of the art of electrical energy systems, and, secondly, continue a process of lifelong learning in the field of X.

To sum up I would like to point out that I am determined to make the most of this opportunity. I believe that being a student in your department would not only empower my career development, but would give me the framework to utilize my full potentials. In addition I feel that as a Masters student at your University, I can benefit from the numerous challenging career opportunities.

Thank you very much for considering my application. I look forward to a positive response from your part.
AbIk 3 / 8  
Mar 24, 2015   #2
On the one hand, I was delighted to read about the University's Problem Based Learning system which I found that entirely suits my learning habits and, on the other hand, I'm keen to experience the international atmosphere at X University and to be able to connect it to my studies.

I chose to pursue a career in engineering because I have always been interested in structure( I think you meant constructing or if you meant buildings you should write structures), geometry,

Early on in ( you must write neither on or in) secondary education subjects like Physics, Mathematics and Informatics

The faculty I chose was X because it is the best combination of my passion for theoretical Physics with practical application in Informatics.

I learned a lot of interesting concepts about processes, structure and operations of the National Power System.

This experience helped me to realize what I really want, which is to further development of my studies abroad, where I could interact and work with students coming from different cultures and backgrounds.

I am certain that studying two years at X University will be a great opportunity to gain solid knowledge as well asalso valuable expertise ( Did you mean expertise or experience ?)

which are living examples of the art of electrical energy systems, and, secondly, to continue a process of lifelong learning in the field of X.

Home / Letters / I believe that my undergraduate studies have set the foundations for a successful Master
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