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Lab research on an undergrad resume appealing to companies

HughRederDuhn 1 / -  
Jan 14, 2011   #1
I'm a freshman applying to summer internship and I want to present my two 1st-author publications, one in a top-10 (acc to wikipedia) journal in the field, in my resume. What is the most effective way of doing that, like in descriptions under the research positions in work experience or as citations in a separate section?

On that note I'd really appreciate any tips you have on how to present research experiences on the resume in a way understandable and appealing to company representatives. Thanks for your help.
EF_Kevin 8 / 13321 129  
Jan 16, 2011   #2
You have a lot of options. Look at some examples of ressumes online. You will see that some have a brief statement at the beginning that tells the reader what you are all about. In that section, you can specify this organization to which you will be applying, and you can tell about your research experience as well if that experience is relevant to the internship you are trying to get.

Try to come up with 2 excellent sentences and include them in a summary at the beginning of the resume. That is most effective, because people will make their decision in the first few seconds of glancing at the resume.

The whole resume should be tailored to the organization to which you are applying. Just think of how that sets you apart from other candidates who use the same resume for all companies to which they apply. It is great to spend a few minutes modifying each resume for the organization you are sending it to.

Explain your research in a way that shows how it is aligned with your overall plan and also with this internship. I hope that answers your (very confusing) question! :-)

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