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Want to make a good cover letter for applying Postdoctoral researcher position

suguna 1 / -  
Oct 4, 2012   #1
Dear Prof. XXXXX ,

I am writing to apply for a postdoctoral scholar position with your research group. I have noticed that you have done extensive research works in XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. I am keen to continue my research in XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, particularly in XXXXXX. Your group reputation for excellence in XXXXXXXXXXXXX gives me a strong impression to join in your lab.

Now, I am working as a post-doctoral researcher in XXXXXXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXXXXX. Currently I am working in the field ofXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. I want to study more in the XXXXXXXXXXXXX and also want to learn the techniques used in your lab. As noted in my curriculum vitae, I completed my Ph.D. in the field of Bioinformatics mainly focused on "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX". As a proof of my productivity, I have published 32 papers related to XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.

I am a self-motivated and confident individual, capable of completing the task which is assigned within the range of my skill sets. I am look forward in learning more about this interesting opportunity and exploring how it will fit with my experience. I believe that my perseverance and enthusiasm could help me success in the research at your lab. I will be very grateful if you can give me a change.

If anything you required any additional material or information, I am happy to provide it.

Thank you very much for your consideration and looking forward to hearing back from you.
Suguna Devi
Arezou 1 / 1  
Oct 28, 2012   #2
you have a good attitude in writing this letter.
I just noticed one grammer mistake in the first paragraph:
I am keen on continuing ...( pay attention to the pre-position "on" + ing)

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