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Management and Economics - Letter of Motivation Masters Program

kalleanka321 1 / -  
Jan 17, 2023   #1

Motivation LETTER

Dear admission committee,

I am writing this letter to express my strong interest in the Management and economics of innovation master's program at "the university". I am currently in the final year of my bachelor's at "University" in "City" and looking to further my education, with the goal of having a career in the field of innovation.

During my time of study at "the university" I have gained a solid understanding of the technical and operational aspects of innovation and how to implement it in an organization by having courses such as strategic management, production technology, and industrial organization. Helping companies achieve their goals is a driving factor when writing my bachelor thesis, which made me choose to optimize a manufacturing company's production process.

The main reason I decided to apply to the Management and economics of innovation program at "the university" is my ambition to use my knowledge and skill to help organizations gain economic growth and to use the experience to develop my own business in the future. Looking into the course curriculum I found some very important modules for startups like Creating New Business, Brand Management, and Management of Innovation and R&D. These modules will help me understand and practice business concepts while my effort toward my dream. I consider "the university" to be a prestige university with great capability among its lektors which is also a driving factor for my ambition to study at "the university".

I hope that I gave you a clear picture of my motives for studying the Management and economics of innovation master's program at "the university". I am confident that the "University" program is the perfect fit for my academic and professional goals.



(the letter is short since it should not exceed 1 page)
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Jan 17, 2023   #2
A proper review and advice for this motivational letter cannot be provided as the essential information has been removed by the applicant from the presentation. Proper motivational considerations may only be provided when complete information is given. Replacing these with nonsensical reference words are not helpful to me as a reviewer.

What this does prove is that you are not a serious applicant and you already know that you will not qualify for the program which is why you are hesitant to share relevant information that would help make this letter useful to your application. Do not waste my time.

I will not review incomplete essays. It will be impossible to provide useful and relevant information for essays that provide me with incomplete information. Do not ask for advice if you are not open to sharing complete information in the essay.

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