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How to write an appeal letter for admission into University

desiree17 1 / 1  
Jun 5, 2011   #1
Hello there,

I recently applied to the Singapore Management University and was unsuccessful. I know that chances for a successful appeal are slim, as such I would like to make the most mine and am seeking advice as to how to go about doing that.

The appeal is being made online through an account with the school and all it says is to state my reasons for appeal in less than 1000 words. I'm not sure how to start and what to include.

I went through the threads on here and have found several different styles. Which would be best? Do I have to make it really formal with "Dear Sirs/ Admissions Committee, " or just cut to the chase? What should I avoid and what should I do?

I have average grades and did not attain any leadership roles from Poly. I really want to get into a University.

I look forward to hearing from someone soon. Thank you for reading this:)
Rajiv 55 / 400  
Jun 6, 2011   #2
There is an appealing honesty in what you have written here. You do not want to exaggerate any qualities you have from a sense of modesty, but it is always hard to know such things in oneself.

Take this line, and for each of the things mentioned here, write a paragraph or even two:

I have average grades and did not attain any leadership roles from Poly. I really want to get into a University.

Your writing is good. And yes, your tone must be formal and respectful !
OP desiree17 1 / 1  
Jun 7, 2011   #3
Hi Rajiv, thank you very much for your advice and your kind words. I will definitely take all that into consideration when writing my appeal:)
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
Jun 7, 2011   #4
Hi there, I hope you have a lot of success with your appeal! In addition to Rajiv's advice, I want to mention what I say all the time: The most convincing thing you can do is have a plan. Do you have one or not? If not, make one. Make a detailed plan with at least 5 short term goals. Really, you should have 20 short term goals.

If you got an appeal letter from a student with mediocre grades, but she had 20 short term goals because of a detailed plan... you would want to give her the opportunity!!

Mohamed refaey - / 2  
Jan 10, 2013   #5
Appeal letter for science scholarship

I have been offered a scholarship for The ELEMENT project ,and i received an e-mail that i'm not succeeded . Could you please help me with writing an Appeal letter? and provide any advice you have please?

the dead line is tomorrow
veronica100 1 / 6  
Jan 13, 2013   #6
For the beginning just start writing down your ideas, even if you don't consider them brilliant because at some point you will find something good enough.

After that post it here and we will help you, but no one can write it for you.

Good luck !!
Mohamed refaey - / 2  
Jan 13, 2013   #7
I am writing an appeal letter for the university entrance examination's result. Can you tell me what I should write in my letter?
They require the information of the appeal programme and the reason for appeal, which is written in not more than 50 words.
Thank you very much!

thank you, but the deadline was 11/1 :(
I wrote something like that

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