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Assistance to write formal appeal letter (building a web application project)

yasmin83 1 / -  
Jan 17, 2012   #1
Hi all ,
I am a student at the technical academy here in dk , bachelor software development .
Last week, I went to my project exam , and got a grade which I am dissatisfied for ,because I think its unfair ,as the work I have done worth more than the grade I have been given .

My project was about building a web application with a number of useful functionality , along with a project report where I covered all the materials I learn during my previous semester at the programme.

Actualy , I was not given the time the examiners to explain the cource code of my program , there was focus only on a part of the project report ,which is testing . and no question about the program code nor other parts of the report , system development methodoly etc etc

I asked the administration and they say that I can appeal against this given grade , if I support it with good arguements etc.
I will appreciate if any can assist me with writing a formal appeal againt the grade , to request reviewing my project again

Kind regards ,
Thors Hammer 5 / 60  
Jan 19, 2012   #2
Hello Yasmin,
What you have encountered is called reality. Please, I am not insulting you; however you must work on your communication skills including grammar. Take what your instructors have told you for face value and keep moving forward.

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