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'I aim to persist in billiards' - PS 500words

rhg950510 1 / -  
Jun 28, 2012   #1
Billiards, which is the so-called adult's game, has a strong appeal to me and gives me a distinctive joy in life. Power, finesse, calculation, strategy and mental strength are indispensable parts in the competitive world of billiards.

Childhood is the golden time for children to master a certain kind of musical instrument. However, it wasn't music that, gave me happiness out of ordinary days; it was actually billiards that became my closest partner during my childhood. I idolized the collision among the balls, as it symbolized power. Power is the leading factor behind the game which dictates the accuracy of the first firing shot. This mysterious force also provokes fantasies when I daydream about being a superman with enormous amounts of strength and wisdom to change the world. The art of billiards also symbolizes how to empower one's inner spirit, yet strike with the soft touch of finesse. I find I can't restrain my excitement in the midst of battle because I love to fight using wits and strength. Not only does billiards demand a difficult set of physical skills, but it also requires delicate geometric calculations and intellectual strategies.

Being a logically minded boy, I love thinking independently in order to give mature considerations to every aspect of a question. Billiards provides such an appropriate stage for me to utilize and show my fortes. Quick geometric calculations help me control the destination of the balls perfectly, if the calculation has been executed correctly. What's more, clever strategies are the crux of subduing one's opponents, which means one should plan in advance numerous offensive and defense strategies to fight his opponents. Geometric calculations and logic strategies are the cream of crop when it comes to billiards competitions. Difficult opponents keep me on the edge and force me to improve my mode of thinking and cultivate useful character traits like caution. .

In the cutthroat billiards competition, when I am behind, I have to keep calm and come up with new strategies to deal with the inferior position. Reflecting on these tricky billiard moments has helped me in other situations when I get nervous. For example, I once was the leader of my school's Network Club and was held accountable to conduct a speech in front of the group of members. After reminiscing on my billiards competitions, I found my confidence again and bravely dealt with the embarrassing event. I always keep these memories readily available just in case emergencies unfold.

Ultimately, I aim to persist in billiards during my undergraduate education and plan to actively participate in sports activities. My aim is to set up a billiards club full of keen competitors, competitions and one of significance, if possible... I believe that adding a billiard's atmosphere would make a great contribution within a school's extracurricular activities and would add color to the university's life.
EF_Susan - / 2364 12  
Jun 28, 2012   #2
Billiards, which is thea so-called adult's game, has a strong appeal to me and gives me a distinctive joy in life. Power, finesse, calculation, strategy and mental strength are indispensable aspectsof the competitive world of billiards.

However, it wasn't music that, ---no comma here --- gave me happiness out of ordinary days; it was actually billiards that became my closest partner during my childhood.

Power is the leading factor behind the game, which dictates the accuracy of the first firing shot.

What's more, clever strategies are the crux of subduing one's opponents, which means one should plan in advance numerous offensive and defensive strategies to fight his opponents.

Geometric calculations and logic strategies are the cream of the crop when it comes to billiards competitions.

I believe that adding a billiards atmosphere would make a great contribution within a school's extracurricular activities and would add color to the university's life.

deepika30 1 / 3  
Jul 16, 2012   #3
it was a really a good one . The mistakes I came to know were all listed up so a really a good essay.

Home / Poetry / 'I aim to persist in billiards' - PS 500words
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