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A pawn, NYU Supplement - poem about me

KC100 1 / 1  
Dec 30, 2009   #1
Write a haiku, limerick, or short (eight lines or less) poem that best represents you.

A pawn,
moved slowly but surely,
until more change is needed
to prepare for what comes next
But the tables have turned
I am the one playing now
and I know my next move

Please help! I am trying to say that I have changed and now I am making my decisions for my future... or tell me if it's just a bad idea for my poem. Any ideas for improvement would be great.

autogunny 3 / 69  
Dec 30, 2009   #2
I love this idea. Sometimes, I see people writing about how they have climbed up the mountain or some banal topic but this is really good!

"But the tables have turned" is cliche. Think of some other creative way to say this. You can maybe say, Well, now gravity is reversed.

Can you give a read of mine
willhunt - / 3  
Dec 30, 2009   #3
Loves it

I agree though, "the tables have turned" is a little cliche. Other than that, great idea/good use of language!
OP KC100 1 / 1  
Dec 31, 2009   #4

Also, does anyone know if it would be ok to use Audrey Hepburn as the new yorker I want to meet? She didn't really live there for very long, so I wasn't sure.
EF_Kevin 8 / 13059  
Jan 10, 2010   #5
Also, does anyone know if it would be ok to use Audrey Hepburn as the new yorker I want to meet?

I think you could turn the fact that she only lived there for a short time into an entertaining part of the essay.

The poem... I think this might seem more meaningful to you than it seems to a reader. I don't really see any significant meaning in it!! I think you might see meaning because of what you were thinking when you wrote it... but it seems that you are simply saying that pawns move slowly and that it is great when it is your turn to move... Can you turn this into a metaphor that represents something other than chess? (maybe it already is a metaphor and I just missed it!)

taintedlove21 2 / 5  
Jan 10, 2010   #6
I like the idea and the metaphor you used, but it somehow seems a little vague to me, like it doesn't say as much about you as it should. Everybody changes over time and is faced with making decisions in their future. I would suggest tailoring the topic to your own experiences. Can you think of a specific instance in which you made a huge change in your outlook or character? An example of this might be getting grades that don't satisfy you one year, but then changing your study habits the next year and getting better grades (though I wouldn't suggest writing about that since that topic is a bit cliched). If you write about a situation that's unique to you, it will definitely have a much greater impact on the adcoms than just writing about a general idea that applies to a lot of people.

Your writing style is great, though! Best of luck!

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