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Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. Rough Draft on ADHD in Children

djsk8r 1 / -  
Nov 6, 2016   #1
ADHD and How It Affects Children

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that causes the child that possess the disorder to have a challenging time focusing and practicing good behaviors. "Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood.". (CDC, 2016). ADHD is more prominent in children and adolescents, thus making it difficult to be successful and get the most out of the student's time at school. The children suffering from ADHD often daydream, therefore, cannot sit still for long periods of time, and other abnormal behaviors. Due to this, the students do not always benefit as much in the classroom as some of the other students. While it is not entirely the teachers of these children's fault that the students are not always getting the most out of the lesson, it is still not fair that because of a disorder the children are victims of they are not as successful in the classroom as other children. The parents of children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disorder want the best for the children. Even with the help of mediation and the needed attention at home, these children still need more attention while in school. Studies have been conducted to prove that children with ADHD need a better experience at school in order to be as successful as can possibly be. Should children suffering from ADHD receive special attention in school to help gain an education to its fullest potential?

Suna K. Özmen, an author, ran a study on a little boy suffering from ADHD to see how his interaction with his family, at home, and his interaction with his teachers affected him in school. Özmen's study is a credible resource due to the fact that she is a decorated author and had multiple resources to help carry out this study. This study was applied in a single case study to see to what degree the child would be able to improve the specific targeted behavior within the context of school. The quantity of change was directed by using rating scales with the boy's teacher and mother. Pajo, Bora and Cohen, David also did a study investigating the relationship between working parents' disposition to medicate ADHD-like behaviors and the time that the parents spend with the children during a typical workday. The goal of this study is to determine how much time parents spend with children influences the children's judgments of the children's behaviors and the behaviors themselves. These resources are very similar because both focus on the interaction of the children and the children's parents. Both studies showed that the parents of the children have a huge influence over the children with ADHD. The children that had more attention at home did better in school and vice versa.

Children suffering from ADHD should receive special attention in school to help gain an education to its fullest potential. Studies have proven that children with ADHD that are medicated and get extra attention in their home lives have an easier time staying focused and practice good behaviors. It is only fair that these children suffering from an attention deficit disorder receive an equally good education as the other children in the classroom as well. Conversely, teaching is a rather challenging career field. Working with children suffering from ADHD adds an extra challenge to the teacher's typical work load. By having teacher's devote even more attention to these children is asking a great deal.

When being observed in a classroom, some children with ADHD do better than others. It is obvious the ones that are medicated and the ones that are not. The children on medication, helping control the children's behaviors, have a challenging tie focusing and listening to the teacher than the ones not medicated. However, some of the children were not medicated and still possessed good behaviors. These children were the ones of the parents whom did not want the children on medication, so it was clear to the observers that they received a great deal of attention in their home lives.

ADHD is more prominent in children and adolescents, thus making it difficult to be successful and get the most out of school. Studies have been conducted to prove that children with ADHD need a better experience at school in order to be as successful as possible. Suna K. Özmen ran a study on a little boy suffering from ADHD to see how his interaction with his family at home, and his interaction with his teachers affected him in school. Pajo, Bora and Cohen, David also did a study investigating the relationship between working parents' disposition to medicate ADHD-like behaviors and the time spent with the children during a typical workday. Children suffering from ADHD should receive special attention in school to help gain an education to its fullest potential.

Works cited

Pajo, Bora. Cohen, David. "Time Spent With Children and Working Parents' Willingness to Medicate ADHD-Like Behaviors." SAGE Open 2158-2440 (Online) (2013): n. pag. Web.

Özmen, Suna K. "Effects of a parent training program on the behavior of a boy with ADHD at home and at school." Doja.org. Pabst Science Publishers, Web.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016. Web.

In the past I have struggled with writing in third person. I find that because I am more passionate a writer when I write in first person I struggle trying to stay neutral in third person. I want to improve my ability to write well in more tenses than just first person.

Ysalah 3 / 8  
Nov 6, 2016   #2
Some help for you

... be able to improve the specifically targeted behavior ...

... to the teacher's typical workload .

... ones of the parents who did not want the ...
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15208  
Nov 7, 2016   #3
Dyllan, academic rules dictate that your opening statement should never contain any sort of citation. That is because the opening statement or first paragraph in a research paper is supposed to contain an introduction to your thesis and an overview of the following discussion. Those sorts of information do not need to be quoted yet. I understand that this is just a draft but I feel that you should be reminded of it early on. By the way, what is the thesis statement of your research? You need to develop one in order to give a focus to the information you are sharing. As of this moment, this seems to be just a complete introduction of the illness and some studies about it. Is that what you are aiming for? Also, when you mention Ozmen, make sure to give a complete overview of her study and its results before you get into the specifics of how she performed the experiment.

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