Need a Career research paper on Social worker. please help
Career research paper on Social worker
We don't write papers for students on this site, but I'd be happy to give you some suggestions. If I understand the assignment correctly, you are to write about social work as a career. You might want to start by saying that it is a growing field (check this with research) and can provide a demanding, but rewarding career. Then, you could talk about the educational requirements needed to become a social worker. After that, you could outline the types of jobs available to people with that degree: what the job entails, how much it pays, and so forth. Depending on how long it is, you could get into studies of job satisfaction among social workers, and whether they tend to stay in the field or get burned out and go on to other careers.
Once you have a rough draft, I'd be happy to give you some editing advice!
We don't write papers for students on this site, but I'd be happy to give you some suggestions. If I understand the assignment correctly, you are to write about social work as a career. You might want to start by saying that it is a growing field (check this with research) and can provide a demanding, but rewarding career. Then, you could talk about the educational requirements needed to become a social worker. After that, you could outline the types of jobs available to people with that degree: what the job entails, how much it pays, and so forth. Depending on how long it is, you could get into studies of job satisfaction among social workers, and whether they tend to stay in the field or get burned out and go on to other careers.
Once you have a rough draft, I'd be happy to give you some editing advice!
Thank you so much!
For my service user groups essay, I have been asked to pick an issue and write about how my personal values and ethics may conflict with the professional values and ethics. I then have to write how this conflict, and working through it, will make me a better social worker.
Can anybody please help as I am lost at the mo.
Personal and professonal conflicts within social work
For my service user groups essay, I have been asked to pick an issue and write about how my personal values and ethics may conflict with the professional values and ethics. I then have to write how this conflict, and working through it, will make me a better social worker.
Can anybody please help as I am lost at the mo.
how my personal values and ethics may conflict with the professional values and ethics
It sounds like this is about recognizing your biases. If you personally believe that homosexuality is unethical (i.e. if you are an old fashioned Christian, for example) then your personal ethics might conflict with your professional obligation to help all people equally.
If your personal ethics compel you to oppose X but your social work profession requires you to facilitate X, then you have a conflict.
I hope that helps! Maybe you are having trouble because you are totally nonbiased and professional!