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ENG102 Research Paper - Dog Breeds and why it's Important That you Choose the Right Breed!

khowdyy2088750 1 / -  
Jul 21, 2024   #1
Kaylee Howdeshell
Professor Akers
English 102

Why It's Important That Your Dog Breed Fits Your Lifestyle

When deciding to adopt a dog, it's extremely important that the dog fits the lifestyle of the owner. When the dog and the owner have a similar lifestyle and can meet each other's needs, they will both be happier and satisfied. In the case the person adopts a dog that they cannot care for in the way the dog needs, there can be many issues such as tension between owner and dog, health issues, or even nourishment and mental issues. These issues can arise in many circumstances as well. Some examples include not acknowledging the living situation, financial status, whether or not the pet is good around children, and even diets or grooming routine. Adopting any pet is a big responsibility, and according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), about 3.1 million dogs go into shelters each year due to the fact that they are unable to be cared for by previous owners. This number can be lowered substantially by not only deeply researching the type of dog to get but also adopting locally. There are millions of dogs each year that fit nearly every lifestyle readily available for adoption every day. It is important to make sure you find a dog breed that is right for your lifestyle so you can ensure that the dog is getting the right care.

Certain dog breeds are better choices than others depending on their owner's work schedule and day to day life. Because some dogs have more needs than others, they will need more time put aside for them for things such as professional grooming, vigorous exercise, and so on. Dogs such as Greyhounds, Golden Retrievers, and Beagles off the bat are all great choices if the owner is a full time worker. According to Brit+Co, these breeds are better at handling being by themselves for a select amount of time. However, this does not mean that these dogs can be neglected and avoided. Neglecting dogs can not only cause mental distress in dogs, but it will cause them to become very destructive to their surroundings as well as towards others. This is because the dog is looking for a way to attract attention from constant neglect. Dogs who are okay with spending some time alone are also great dogs to come home and relax with as they tend to have lower energy than other breeds. Some dogs however need more attention than others. Dogs such as Border Collies and German/Australian Shepherds, need lots of attention and stimulation or they can easily become distressed. This is because these dogs are higher energy, and often need something to stimulate them, whether that is hours of physical activity, or mental stimulation such as puzzles or play mats. These dogs are great for people who work little to none and have time to give these dogs the care that they need. These dogs also generally have more grooming requirements than others, so having the time to do that also helps when deciding a breed.

When choosing a breed, it is important to acknowledge one's living situation. Different breeds need different amounts of activity. Apartment living is beneficial for smaller dogs such as chihuahuas, or even bulldogs. Because these dogs are smaller, it is easier for them to get the physical activity they need often inside the apartment, or in a small space near the apartment. Bigger dogs, such as Huskies, have better luck in places with lots of land to roam freely on. Dogs such as Huskies and Australian Cattle Dogs have better luck in environments where they can let their energy out as they are both known to be high energy breeds. Climate is also a very big factor to decide when choosing a pet. Dogs with thick coats such as Shepherds will not do so well in hotter climates such as Arizona. This goes both ways as dogs with little to no fur such as Chihuahuas will not be able to stay as warm as they need in northern states such as New York. If a dog is living in a climate that is not suitable for them, it is easier for them to get sick or have issues with their nutrition. Arlene Divina wrote an article on website I Heart Dogs, speaking about the importance of what the dog's environment is when being adopted and why it is so important. On top of previous information given, Divina states that "Some breeds are more adaptable to different living conditions, but ensuring that your dog has enough space to move comfortably is crucial for their well-being." (paragraph 5). This is important because a dog's health, whether physical or mental, is very important to take care of.

Some dogs have different temperaments than others. Many dogs have a temperament that differs from each breed. However, living conditions and how they were treated by previous owners can affect how they act. Madison Pet Clinic from Webb City, MO, states that breeds such as Labrador Retrievers and Beagles are great choices for a family pet. These dogs are calmer as well as sociable. These breeds also have a lower temperament than other breeds, making them great dogs to be around smaller children. Some calmer breeds such as bloodhounds are great for newer families as well, meaning these dogs aren't as reactive and will be easier to deal with when also handling a baby. Dogs with higher temperaments will not be as ideal as they tend to be more reactive and do not contain well around smaller children. Dogs such as Australian Cattle Dogs and Terriers are much more likely to be reactive, which can be stressful to handle when dealing with children as well. Reactive dogs take longer to train as well, meaning the owner will struggle with training the dog and handling any children that they own. These dogs are better for people with smaller families as well as people who are more work oriented. Dogs such as Collies and Australian Cattle Dogs make great working dogs, especially herding dogs. This lets the dog use the energy that they naturally have, helping them become less reactive when put around families and others.

To continue the previous topic, some dogs are bred specifically to work. Like stated before, dogs such as Australian Cattle Dogs make amazing herding dogs, and work best in farm environments. Some dogs are trained to become therapy dogs or service animals. Examples of this can be dogs trained to aid those with PTSD, often war veterans, or dogs who are trained to keep their owner from a certain product like gluten. These dogs can also help those who struggle with chronic illness, as they are trained to detect episodes often before they even start. Dogs, often German Shepherds, are also very popular as K-9 units. These dogs are trained to attack perpetrators, sniff out paraphernalia, and overall help their police coworkers help fight against what is right. K-9 units are very honorable and are often given service rewards for their duties. Lastly, there are even dogs for people with allergies! Although dogs are not completely hypoallergenic, dogs such as yorkies shed much less than other breeds and are easier to live with if the owner has a moderate to mild canine allergy.

In conclusion, dogs are a great pet, whether they are for one person or an entire family. Because there are so many breeds, it is important to make sure that you research before adopting your next dog, so both you and the dog are fulfilled in life without any extra stressors or issues. There are breeds that fit nearly every lifestyle, from apartment living and working full time, all the way to being a stay at home parent on farmland. There are even dogs you can adopt while having a dog allergy! When research is done properly, not only will the owner and dog be happier with a new best friend, this is a chance for the dog to be given a happy and fulfilling life.

Works Cited:

I feel pretty proud of this assignment. I am very passionate on why it is so important to adopt the right pet for your lifestyle. Some areas I feel as if I am weak in would be going into detail, the right formatting, as well as how I word certain sentences. Depending on the assignment I either go too into detail or not enough, and I worry that I have not gone enough into detail on this assignment. When it comes to MLA formatting, I tend to have better luck with APA formatting and citation. Hopefully my MLA formatting has improved since I have last touched up on it. Lastly, my wording. Sometimes I develop a habit of using the wrong words to describe something, for example instead of vigorous exercise, my mind first goes to rigorous exercise. These have been all spots I have had weak spots in the past, and I work hard to improve myself with every upcoming assignment.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15258  
Jul 24, 2024   #2
You need to follow the correct MLA formatting in specific instances for the research paper. The fault of your presentation lies mainly with the lack of proper information citation, correct citation format, and proper intro and extro to the information cited. Otherwise, your paper is very creative and informative. There is too much redundancy in terms of emphasizing the need for proper dog breed choices, and very little information as to how the incorrect dog breed affects the owner and the dog. It was mentioned in passing at the start, but a deeper analysis is needed whenever the type of dog breed and appropriateness of choice is mentioned. Try to include information from shelters with regards to this. What are the most often used reasons for abandonment that stems from incorrect dog breed choices?

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