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Making a hypothesis on technology in the point of view of the 3 fields of social

dtwitch 1 / -  
Aug 23, 2011   #1
I am enrolled in the Independent Learning centre and am currently trying to complete HSB4M-A, Challenge and Change in Society. One of my assignments has asked me to create a hypothesis regarding technology from each of the 3 viewpoints, anthropology, psychology, and sociology. I was wondering if anyone could help me to see if I am on the right track or if I need to re-read the lesson again.

They will mark as follows:
-Hypothesis reflects the research perspectives of 3X5=15
-Written in the form of consise sentences 3X1=3
-Reflect the position being taken by the writer 3X1=3
-Arguable and a contrary position can be taken 3X1=3
-Require research to determine if they're true 3X1=3
-Reflects a significant matter to social science 3X1=3
-Reflects complex notions and deals with a complex # of variables 3X1=3
-Are not written in the first person 3X1=3
-Can be tested 3X1=3

As you can see it is worth 39 marks so i want to make sure I'm going in the right direction.

Anthropologist- Cultures are constantly changing and in order for this to occur we rely on new technology and new inventions to help us to continue to see cultural change.

Many aspects of cultural change are often due to new technology and new inventions, the more we are introduced to new technology, the more likely we are to continue to see our culture continue to change.

Psychologist- Unless people begin to see the negative effects technology has on their families, many will begin to lose the ability to interact.

Sociology- Families are less likely to spend time playing board games and interacting with each other than they were in previous decades due to an increased use of technology.

Thanks for reading!
amrosca 4 / 130  
Aug 24, 2011   #2
Well, it is obvious you are on the right track. And I cannot say more honestly. :)

But if you would ask me, new technology is not the primer factor in culture change, it does not work against it. It is, if you like, a symptom. The change happens inside a human mind. We cannot say culture change is something bad; on the contrary. It is pushing us towards discovering, towards beauty, towards being human.

A fundamental example to support this is the evolution of human himself. Homo sapiens is known to have begun spreading from a small area in Africa throughout the whole world. On the other side of the sphere we have the homo neanderthalis who, conservative by nature, decided to keep living around the small region it has always been living around. What happened is the lesser species went extinct. As they spread, humans conquered the whole world and as a mean to adapt and enjoy themselves they incarnated what they saw around them and what they felt through painting, through music, through religion.

Technology is not working against culture, it becomes part of it. And whether we like it or not it represents us, humanoids of the 21st century, the best.

This is just a thought, so you don't have to take it seriously. You should write after all something arguable. :) Good luck!

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