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Point of view different from a teacher or employer - FIT Portfolio

elipulpo 1 / -  
Apr 9, 2024   #1
In 250 words or less, provide an example of when your point of view differed from a teacher or employer during an evaluation of your performance. How did you handle the situation?

The most recent situation I can think of was not that long ago. When I started my new job at (private company) one of the main goals of the job was to sign as many people up for the company credit card as we could for the day. At least three when working an 8-hour shift. Now this appears to be a feasible goal except for the fact that almost everyone shopping in the store does not live in the area and wouldn't need the card. I was barely getting one a week if I got lucky. So, the criticism I got for this was understandable, at first, I was angry at the fact that my boss had been setting what seemed to be an impossible goal for me but then I had to realize it wasn't personal. This wasn't some petty vendetta against me. Everyone working in the store needed to meet these expectations and my getting criticized in this part did not make me any less qualified for the job. So, I observed and improved my skills. It took a lot of practice, but I improved. Now I make almost twice the goal every time I work. Even convincing people from different countries to sign up. This experience taught me that I needed that criticism to refine my skills and use it to my advantage.

- Please correct my grammar as I am still improving

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15190  
Apr 20, 2024   #2
The tendency of your response is to be too vague. You are not making enough specific references in the presentation to qualify it as a an honest response. For example, when you say "not long ago", you are not being clear about when the situation actually happened, which is an important consideration for the assessment of your application. Your statement could mean anything from a few days ago, to a few years ago. The validity of the experience comes into question. The comments you made does not address how you actually improved your skills to help address the comments about your performance. You need to exemplify how you successfully made th changes. What did it take for you to successfully change your work ethic to deliver what the job requires?

Home / Undergraduate / Point of view different from a teacher or employer - FIT Portfolio
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