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Why are vaccines important?

lyssamariet 1 / -  
Nov 14, 2021   #1

Immunization Importance

Throughout decades, immunizations have evolved and became more effective in helping outbreaks and stop the spread of certain diseases that may be deadly. By the evolution of the new vaccines, and science behind these outbreaks, we are now able to get vaccinated against these life-threatening illnesses. Therefore, I believe that is necessary to get vaccinated against these potentially deadly diseases and outbreaks. For example, although we do not see a local Measles outbreak daily, nor is it common, it is still important to get vaccinated to help prevent yourself from potentially contracting this disease. A person who is vaccinated will be immune to this disease compared to someone who is not vaccinated against Measles. That person who is not vaccinated will more than likely contract the disease with severe symptoms. Therefore, vaccines are essential and have many pros when it comes to safety and effectiveness.

Vaccines have a very important role, and that is to protect your body from potential illnesses, diseases and outbreaks. As schools are required to make sure all children are vaccinated, it can be stressful on the parents to make sure their child is caught up on their vaccines and wellness visits. However, depending on insurance status, it can get costly with wellness visits and vaccine updates. "The Vaccines for Children (VFC)" Program was created by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 (1) and first implemented in 1994. VFC was designed to ensure that eligible children do not contract vaccine-preventable diseases because of the inability to pay for vaccine and was created in response to a measles resurgence in the United States that resulted in approximately 55,000 cases reported during 1989-1991." Whitney, Cynthia G. Morbity and Mortality Weekly Report 25 Apr. 2014. This VFC program was created to help families afford and have access to these wellness visits for their children, with vaccines included in visits. The VFC program has made it a lot easier and convenient for families to help keep their children healthy and vaccinated to attend school, and engage in daily activities including sports. These vaccines are ensured safely tested and approved by the CDC.

The CDC states that vaccines are highly recommended to maintain a healthy lifestyle to protect yourself and others around you. "In the U.S., vaccines have greatly reduced or eliminated many infectious diseases that once routinely killed or harmed infants, children, and adults. However, the viruses and bacteria that cause these diseases still exist and you can still get these diseases if you aren't vaccinated." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2 May 2016. The CDC recommends vaccines have the capability to protect you from diseases that may seem to not be around anymore, but still exist. Children are at high risk daily since they are surrounded by other children and may not have a fully developed and effective immune system to fight off illnesses like an adult would be able to. Children who are in school, attend daycare, babysitters, or simply go to stores are at high risk daily to contracting an illness by physical contact.

Although there is reassurance, plenty of research and validation regarding vaccines, there are people who are against vaccinating their children and their selves. This group or type of people who believe that vaccines may cause more harm than good are called "Anti Vaxxers". Anti Vaxxers (Anti-Vaccinators) are a group of people who believe that vaccines shouldn't be mandated, aren't necessary, healthy, or should be enforced upon anyone. They believe that vaccines can cause health problems later in life, disabilities, and harm in the body. A majority of Anti Vaxxers believe that vaccines are created in bulk making it possible for some vaccines of the same type to be less effective than others. Anti Vaxxers have the right to refuse vaccines when it comes to their selves or children at visits. They just have to sign a refusal for vaccinations form and make sure their physician is notified.

In 2020, there was a huge outbreak spreading throughout the world faster than we knew and were able to get a grasp of. This outbreak caused a global pandemic causing many people to get sick, hospitalized or cause death. This pandemic is known as the COVID-19 virus. COVID-19 is a very mysterious and unique virus that may affect anyone and everyone differently. Some people would get very ill, while others could have the virus with very little symptoms or none at all. This virus is easily spread through physical contact. With the widespread virus, it left everyone frantic and scared to leave their houses. Many companies, schools, stores, businesses, etc. shut down due to the widespread pandemic of COVID-19. Scientists frantically were testing to make sure that they could make a vaccine that was effective enough for everyone to fight off this virus and become immune to it. With the rush of vaccines, it finally became available to everyone worldwide. The fast making of this vaccine made a lot of people scared to take the vaccine. However, there is a lot of controversy due to the rush of the COVID-19 vaccine.

When the COVID-19 vaccines were finally enabled to the public, there were many people that rushed to get the vaccine. Moderna, and Pfizer were the only two main vaccines available made in a two-dose vaccine. Since people were rushing to get it, the production was not quite met available to everyone worldwide just yet. They offered the vaccine to front line workers, and immunocompromised/ elderly patients first. After there were enough vaccines to distribute worldwide, everyone was able to get these vaccines. These COVID-19 vaccines were produced to help build immunity, safety and effectiveness of fighting off the COVID-19 virus. Over time, there were other vaccines made available from other companies for people with preference. A lot of places require people to be fully vaccinated to enter facilities, events, buildings, concerts etc. "Once you're fully vaccinated, you can resume activities that you did before the pandemic. Learn more about what you can do when you have been fully vaccinated." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC ensures that you may resume daily activities after being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 making sure you are completely immune to the virus before doing so.

With modern technology, immunizations have evolved to be more effective. "Immunizations are amongst the most-important medical advance in world history. However, in our current era of scientific mistrust and belief in the primacy of personal opinions, we cannot be complacent. Vaccines have improved the lives of hundreds of millions of children. We should do what we can to ensure that all our patients continue to receive them." Rickert James. "On Patient Safety Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research". This is a perfect example of the COVID-19 vaccine. This vaccine was able to be created by researchers, physicians and trusted scientists to help make a vaccine that can help with a global pandemic. Although we are still learning everyday about this virus, this vaccine was made possible due to our sources and evolved technology and knowledge in science. This is a historical and amazing breakthrough in our lifetime helping to cure and ensure our health and safety with COVID-19. Therefore, vaccines serve a positive purpose to help protect ourselves and help keep us healthy.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Nov 15, 2021   #2
Kindly review your in-text citations. You have not seperated it from the actual text, making the paragraphs highly confusing to read. I realize this is just a draft but, it still needs tofollow proper writing and citation guidelines.

Please consider a stronger introduction to your topic A historical look at health programs in the past that failed to cure and prevent illnesses and diseases would help strengthen your opinion. The historic eason for vaccine development and inoculation was just as important then as.it is now. While your introduction is good, it has room to be even better. So make sure to use the room for improvement to your benefit.

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