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To become a good student, what qualities are needed? Propose your specific plan for university

ueyreurysjs 1 / -  
Aug 19, 2024   #1
For me, a successful student requires more than academic excellence - it demands proactiveness to learn, a critical and creative mindset, and a societal impact-driven motivation. As a commencing student of the Joint Training Program between the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam and Macquarie University, I am determined to leverage these qualities in my academic and professional path.

First of all, being proactive means continuously seeking out new knowledge and challenges beyond the classroom that align with students' intellectual interests. In this way, I can obtain a growth mindset and cultivate potential opportunities, where I can apply theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom.
Moreover, a creative and critical mindset is also crucial for Media and Communication students since it would comprehensively enhance our study experience with an interdisciplinary skill set of both analytical and artistic skills. Knowledge by conducting research and data interpretation will gain us the ability to analyze complex social problems from multiple perspectives while artistic skills will help us execute innovative approaches that visually impact society.
With the International Communication program, a social-oriented field of study, I understand the importance of connection both within society and across cultures through various means of communication as it motivates awareness and strives for positive changes. Thus, I believe that a societal-impact-driven mindset is crucial for students as it implies a sense of civic duty and social responsibility.

To fully embrace these qualities, with the Joint Training Program, I plan to proactively seek learning opportunities for both interdisciplinary knowledge and hands-on experiences. Understanding the importance of versatility in the rapidly evolving creative industry, I will dedicate time to self-directed learning while actively seeking out research opportunities, innovative competitions, and collaborative projects that offer mentorship and guidance from experts in the field. In this way, I gain a deeper understanding of my study, contribute to creative media strategies and campaigns, and obtain valuable industry experiences. Especially with the Joint Training Program, I will participate in the Media and Communication program of Macquarie University, majoring in Interactive Design in my 2 years in Australia. Besides elevating my knowledge of Visual Communication, the program will give me cross-cultural communication skills and a global mindset by my course selection aligning with my future aspiration of contributing to the international creative industry.

In conclusion, to become a successful student, I would actively seek learning opportunities, and continuously develop my skills with a community-oriented motivation. I am confident that the transfer program between the Diplomacy Academy Vietnam and Macquarie University will provide me with the perfect environment to achieve my academic and career aspirations.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15168  
Aug 22, 2024   #2
Do not focus the discussion in the university, the course you want to take, or the program you plan to join. The question about the good student qualities should be a general discussion. It should be applicable to any and all possible college courses that one may want to enroll in. There is no need to be specific about the qualities in relation to specific fields because the prompt is not asking about that. The reviewer would like to know about the type of student you could be, regardless of your study focus. Revise the essay another time. You need to stop thinking about your major and program and focus on the general considerations regarding what would make a good student.

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