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I choose The Master of Design, by the University of New South Wales - design and digital media area

femelo 1 / -  
Nov 7, 2018   #1

Summarise details of your proposed leadership activity

Hello, please kindly help me with feedback for my essay for the endeavour scholarship.

Please summarise, in words that can be understood by a person outside your field, details of your proposed leadership activity, why you chose your proposed host organisation and what your proposed leadership activity is intended to achieve. Also provide details, including proposed dates and locations of any proposed fieldwork and/or internships. (300 words)

The Master of Design, by the University of New South Wales, is a 2 year, full-time, intensive program focused on multidisciplinary studio-based courses with specialization in different areas of design and digital media. My specialization will be in Interaction Design and User (UX) Experience, which aims to enhance user experience by improving his or her interaction with the product. I selected this institution for its big research community on innovation and its support on entrepreneurial activities and access to strategic industry partners. Moreover, the university location and academic representation contributed to my final decision as I feel I will adapt as a foreign student.

In Brazil, Interaction and UX Design is a growing field. The city I come from, Florianopolis, has become a mature and strong technology hub, with many startups and companies focused on innovative technology solutions. By allowing me to learn from industry-engaged and multidisciplinary courses and studio practices, the Master of Design program will help me become an active leader in the Interaction and UX Design community, as it will provide me with the enhanced skills and knowledge I need to work as a consultant or lead UX designer in any company in Brazil.

The program has two main components: core design studio and courses, and studio practice within a specialized chosen area. During my studio practice I will research, design and produce interactive environments and interfaces for tangible and embodied interactions, such as wearables and biometrics for wellness and rehabilitations, as well as develop human-centred designs involving websites and mobile applications. The program also includes a capstone project, at the end of the term, in a studio-based atmosphere, which will help me strengthen the knowledge and skillset obtained throughout the course.

Thanks so much for your help.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15259  
Nov 8, 2018   #2
Fernanda, placing myself in the position of a lay reader, I cannot understand what your proposed leadership activity is all about. Rather than presenting a multifocal presentation of leadership activities, choose instead to discuss just one of these activities. Then explain what that is all about. For example, a lay person may better understand what wearable technology and biometrics is all about when it comes to interfacing and designs. So work on developing that explanation instead. It will be better than trying to fit in all possible applications for the technology in a single paragraph and within such a limited word count. You only need to present one example. You can use multiple points for your activity when you are already enrolled. Focus on the simple explanation rather than the complex presentation. That way the a reader who is not familiar with the topic will still be able to follow the discussion. You also need to present the schedule of your studio practice as it relates to your leadership activity.

Home / Scholarship / I choose The Master of Design, by the University of New South Wales - design and digital media area
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