As a Bachelor of Arts in Communication, I acknowledge that I lack international knowledge related to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as it applies to my current career and my proposed study program. I seek to develop expertise in digital governance frameworks and media on how to address fragmented digital implementation in autonomous regional governments in Indonesia and how digital transformation is often reduced to mere web presence. As a member of the younger generation, I realized that digital literacy is one of the key aspects of e-government in order to promote public participation and institutional transparency. My goal is to find out how e-government and media can affect the participation of the public, the communication of policy and the transparency of institutions. By incorporating global best practices through my proposed study program, I can enhance my skill to develop a better blueprint which is in line with the direction of Indonesia national sustainable development
Does my answer suitable for the question? I'm not that experience in writing so anny suggestions/feedback wud be awesome
Does my answer suitable for the question? I'm not that experience in writing so anny suggestions/feedback wud be awesome