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English and Korean Languages - Study plan for the gks

Vera24 3 / 13  
Aug 3, 2024   #1

Before my arrival in Korea

I am committed to immersing myself in the Korean language to ensure I can navigate my new environment confidently. I've enrolled in an online Korean language course through TalkToMeInKorean, which provides comprehensive lessons in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. I plan to dedicate two hours every day to practice these skills diligently.Beyond the formal lessons, I will immerse myself in Korean media, such as dramas, news, and podcasts, to enhance my listening comprehension and familiarize myself with the cultural nuances. To further improve my speaking skills, I am excited to join a local Korean language exchange group. This will give me the opportunity to practice conversational Korean with native speakers, allowing me to build confidence and fluency in real-life interactions. By fully engaging with these resources and experiences, I hope to develop a strong foundation in Korean before I begin my studies.

While my English proficiency is already at an advanced level, I recognize the importance of honing my legal English skills for my future career. To achieve this, I will continue taking advanced English courses at a local language institute, with a particular focus on academic and legal English.Every day, I will incorporate reading academic papers and legal texts into my routine to expand my vocabulary and deepen my comprehension. To refine my writing skills, I plan to practice essay writing regularly and seek constructive feedback from my instructors. Additionally, I look forward to joining English debate clubs. Engaging in debates will help me improve my public speaking and critical thinking abilities, both of which are crucial for my journey in the legal field.By immersing myself in these activities, I aim to enhance my proficiency in legal English, ensuring I am well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

One essay at a time please.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15189  
Aug 4, 2024   #2
You have very good pre-arrival plans for both English and Hangul language proficiency presented in this essay. The problem, is that you are also expected to discuss your language growth and proficiency upon your arrival in Korea. These are known as post arrival plans. These would include utilizing the language classes available at the university, joining language clubs, and other similar undertakings to help improve your language proficiency. I believe I saw some of these referred to in your statement for both languages, however, these were not properly identified as being post arrival language plans, which is why it left the post arrival plan discussion empty. All you have to do is edit the current essay to better reflect the pre and post arrival plans to make this usable for the prompt requirement.

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