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KGSP Graduate Goal of Study and Study Plan - A specialist in technology and East Asia

jkl 3 / 4  
Mar 10, 2017   #1
Hi this is my study plan for the KGSP. I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks in advance.

Some background on my application: I am applying via the Embassy Track so I am not writing for a specific university but rather 3 universities. I am applying for an MBA for 2 universities and International Studies (majoring in International Commerce) for the 3rd university. These courses are course/module based so I figured ONE specific thesis is unsuitable as there will be numerous core/mandatory courses to take (please correct me if my approach is wrong too). I know it may be inadvisable to apply to different courses but from my research, these courses have overlaps and will all be very useful for my future career plans.

Study Plan

The main aim of my study is to develop an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of business, international trade and economy of Korea and how Korea interacts with the rest of Asia on a wider scale. This aim largely comprises of two main areas of focus. Firstly, the support and development of technology in business. Secondly, business and trade in Asia with Korea as a focal hub of pivotal growth.

Regarding my focus on technology and innovation, I plan to study how businesses manage the growth and support of technological development and innovation. With the rise of technological advancements such as Fintech, there is a growing debate as to whether these advancements function as "disruptors" or "enablers". Either way, it is indisputable that traditional models of business are now facing a potential redrawing of the financial and economic landscape. On the theoretical level, I am interested in how emerging technology has impacted business strategies. I will be able to build a solid understanding of established principles of business, international trade and economics through core courses. I will undertake electives such as those on strategic management of technology or case studies of multi-national corporations to complement these established principles. In practice, studying in Korea will provide unique and valuable opportunities to apply acquired knowledge into practice. One way is the opportunity offered by universities to intern with leading organisations in the field. I plan to secure an internship with a Korean company dealing with technology or innovation. Through the internship, I will be able to learn from leaders and experts in the area the practical aspects of managing innovation. I am also eager about the opportunity to familiarize myself with the business culture in Korea and build important bridges with fellow peers and industry players to enrich my learning experience.

Coming from a law background, the interplay between law and business and trade on the national and international level is of great interest to me. One specific area of interest is how policies and regulation impact development of technology which is a niche of Korea. Surveys have shown that regulation concerns play a substantial role in the development of technology be it producing new innovative products or adopting Fintech. One topic of interest is whether government's regulatory role should be aimed at creating innovation itself or just building an ecosystem. On the international level, I am interested in the how agreements between countries facilitate development and deal with regulatory uncertainty. Studying law has equipped me with necessary legal reasoning and legal research skills to meaningfully understand the regulatory environment. Furthermore, I am starting an internship with the ********* Fintech Consortium which fosters collaboration between start-ups, financial institutions and government bodies by providing services such as research and regulation advice. I will combine real-life experience with knowledge to analyse how law and business interact.

Lastly, my focus on Asia makes studying in Korea an indispensable opportunity. As I am especially interested in the trade and business relations of East Asia, I will opt for courses focused on understanding the region in depth such as global business strategy. I am also excited about the opportunity to participate in programs which gives students the opportunity to research and present on keys topics in the region. The universities that I have chosen offer well-structured programs on the region such as China-Korea-Japan field studies and round table discussions. Through these programmes, I will be able work on projects analysing key issues affecting specific industries from a comparative perspective. This entails studying key factors shared in the region for successful strategies or common challenges. Furthermore, through these programmes, I will be able to exchange ideas with future leaders and learn more about the culture and society of different countries in the region. The chance to take part in these programmes is a unique opportunity to prepare myself as a specialist on the region.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Mar 10, 2017   #2
Jessalyn, I suggest that you just present the research plan that has a direct relation with your post study plan. The reason behind this is simple. While you are applying via embassy track, with 3 universities, the study plan is meant only to show your seriousness in completing your studies. The reviewer needs to know that you are in this for the long haul and you wont' suddenly drop out of the program because of homesickness or something. The study plan has a chance of being revised or changed once you are already in the university. This does not have to be set in stone. However, by showing a connection with your post study plans, you deliver the necessary requirement of you having seriously considered all the relevant aspects of your scholarship application.

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