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Korea - this is my only chance. Undergraduate - Letter of Self Introduction KGSP

Okura 2 / -  
Jul 4, 2017   #1
Hi everybody, this is my letter of self introduction , I do not know if you could give me your advices or corrections. Thanks a lot.

a lifetime opportunity

First of all, I would like to thank the Korean government for giving me this opportunity to be able to change my life and get ahead by fulfilling my dreams. I am Piero Gabriel Enriquez Avalos, a young man with many ambitions, wanting to enrich my knowledge about university studies and then take them to my country of origin and contribute to society with such acquired knowledge, I think that opportunities like this only happen once In life and depends on oneself if he chooses to take them or just let them go.

The main purpose for which I want to study in South Korea is because at the present time being one of the most economically powerful countries, it offers us many opportunities for studies, many of which in my country do not provide, it is also worth noting The culture of Korean society, too hardy and always putting effort to be the best, that is something that I admire so much of his way of thinking and with which I identify myself a lot, to have that desire to overcome more and more and more.

My short-term academic objectives are two, the first is to fluently speak the Korean language in the first year in order to generate prosperity as long as my speech considering that this language opens many doors for my professional future; And my second and I consider the most essential of all is to finish my career and graduate with excellent qualifications with the certainty of what I mentioned before, bring that knowledge to my home country and be a professional in my area, which is business.

I think that this would be the only opportunity to change my life, from my childhood I thought of going abroad to complete my university studies and once finished, return to my country with such studies to improve it in certain aspects, that is why for many years Years I have studied with perseverance and dedication, and I know that this effort will give its results, take as my motivation myself, just as South Korea had the strength to resurface thanks to hard work, perseverance and motivation, hence my Philosophy of effort, a person when he wants something with all the desire should not say it, should do it and not waste his time, I take this initiative to fulfill my dreams, I know that at first sounded amazing for my parents, but South Korea is the Place where I believe, I can learn a lot based on experiences, which will give me a very definite view of life, although difficult, that is why it is so valuable and better A knowing that our dreams become reality when one wakes up and strives to fulfill them, whatever that dream.

To conclude, I think that I am a suitable candidate for this application, my strong identification with the Korean culture makes me dream of learning a lot during my stay in this beautiful country and making the most of it, being my biggest dream and for which every day I struggle In my school for being the best, but also maintaining humility and respect above all.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Jul 4, 2017   #2
Piero, as an undergraduate applying for the KGSP program, you are not required to present a letter of self introduction. You are however, required to present a personal statement. The Letter of Self-Introduction is a requirement only for graduate students. So write a personal statement instead that more accurately represents the requirement of an undergraduate KGSP scholarship application. You are required to present the following information in your personal statement ( as an applicant via embassy track) :

- Motivations with which you apply for this program
- Personal background in family and education
- Significant experiences you have had; risks you have taken and achievements you have made, persons or events that have had a significant influence on you

- Extracurricular activities such as club activities, community service activities or work experiences
- If applicable, describe awards you have received, publications you have made, or skills you have acquired, etc.

As you can see, the essay that you wrote falls short of providing the proper information required for undergraduate scholars. Write a new essay, this time, make it a personal statement, that includes the above information. Remember, a letter of self introduction is only for masters and PhD level applicants. Undergraduates present a personal statement instead.

Home / Scholarship / Korea - this is my only chance. Undergraduate - Letter of Self Introduction KGSP
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