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monicaaa0017 7 / 15  
Sep 8, 2021   #1

Chevening is looking for individuals who will be future leaders or influencers in their home countries.

Explain how you meet this requirement, using clear examples of your own leadership and influencing skills to support your answer.

Leadership is not solely about a title or position that people obtain in their professional workplaces. Instead, it is about the action itself and how people carry out the action that could result in positive outcomes to their surroundings.

During university years, I was once chosen as a leader of Consumption and Decoration Division of an event. It was quite challenging because there were a bunch of things that should be handled, and the time amount was quite limited. I started to open discussion with other members regarding things. At first, I asked their opinions then I complied and came up with conclusion. I also divided the jobs into each person so that we could cover other stuffs quickly. I personally got the job to look for food vendors. To get the right vendor, it was obvious that we should do a test-food. So, I came up with the idea that people from other division should also join the test-food so that they also could give their opinions. Thus, I told them and all of them agreed and some of them joined us. I also did some research on good decorations bohemian theme. I came up with the idea of making flowers from plastic papers so that we could help reducing plastic waste and we made the flowers. During the event, all things run smoothly including the consumption and decoration.

When I was working as a Procurement Officer in a jewellery company, I was coming as a junior officer. I was positioned by my manager to work corporately with one of the seniors since we held the same responsibilities. During WFH, the manager asked both of us about data regarding rejected goods in which it was supposed to be handled by my senior because it consisted of previous orders from previous years. My senior told me that she was confused, and she kept busy working on other tasks and the time kept ticking. At that moment, I realized that I had to do something because we should report the data to the manager. First, I asked her on what time she was able to discuss through phone. Second, I told her that I would saw the file first and made a pivot table based on what I understood while she could finish her works first. After we discussed together, we finally made it and finished the report. At first, I thought that I was going to be able to report to the manager, but then I had courage in reaching out my senior to discuss.

In conclusion, I believe that a leader should have impacted good impacts on their surroundings and how they carry out some actions into a positive result. Thus, I would like to continue my education through Chevening scholarship so that I also could be a good impact on people from other side of the world.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Sep 10, 2021   #2
The leadership depiction here is practically dictatorial, which is not what leadership is all about. Not only must a leader know how to listen and delegate, he must know how to influence others, resolve team conflicts, and manage task situations as well. This essay has a narrow focus on delegation for self ~ aggrandizement and self-importance. selfish traits within a leader. One upping an immediate superior rather than influencing that superior means the applicant is a go-getter in a negative way. The presentation is not really a portrayal of an admirable leader. Rather than encouraging others, the applicant does things on her own, without leadership consultations of the correct kind.
Christinaduong 1 / 3  
Sep 14, 2021   #3
This essay quite good but you need to expand your idea for clearly leadership example.
OP monicaaa0017 7 / 15  
Sep 14, 2021   #4
Thanks for feedback! Here is my revision after the feedback. I very welcome any further feedback.
Socapanggiring28 1 / 1 1  
Sep 15, 2021   #5
Hi Monica, in my opinion, the experiences you have described have illustrated how the leadership factor is there, however, each paragraph you present is not continuous enough to form a complete story. Your conclusion is doubled into two paragraphs. Lastly, I can't find any explanation regarding how these experiences can help you in your future endeavors through Chevening as a bridge, real example, real plan. I hope you are helped by my feedback.

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