here is my study plan for applying mext scholarship
I got stuck about what should I include on study plan, Please help me to improve it !
Study Plan
After coming in Japan in october 2017, I wish to spend a lot of my time to learn more about microalgae. specifically biodiversity, taxonomy, ltrastructure, and phylogeny of microalgae. Because my previous subject study is not studying much on biological aspect, I wish my first year of master will focus on it. I will take some related elective course and conduct practical experiment.
During my study, my regular activity is laboratory work. In the first six months, I hope to spend my time learning more on instrumentations analysis from general to advance such as Microscopy (SEM and TEM), molecular tools such as DNA Isolation, PCR, Electrophoresis, and Chromatography. These instrumentations are required for my research. on other hand, These instruments are very sensitive and advance. So, many practices in operation of these instruments are important to get accurate results of analysis. In addition, I wish also to develop my skill in microalgae isolation by conduct field sampling. At this time, I will also spend my time for comprehensif literature review on previous completion and enviromental condition characteristic of okinawa Island as stated in my research plan to result a research proposal.
Because my previous study majored in chemistry, I hope to to my study in microalgae not solely in biology aspect but combine with chemistry and biochemistry aspect. Starting in the second semester, I will take more course in chemistry. I hope to develop my subject into marine chemistry.
During the study, I will also focus on learning japanese language by attending the Japanese Language Course. Althought it is not required for graduate master course. I still need it for my daily activity. Furthermore, It is important and will help me in adaptation process to japanese culture. I have special interest in japanese culture and people. So, it will be a great opportunity if I can communicate and generate network with japanese people.
Finally, my final goal of study in Japan is to develope my skill in research. In my country, I wish to be world class researcher on marine chemistry and give big contribution to development of this area.
I got stuck about what should I include on study plan, Please help me to improve it !
Study Plan
After coming in Japan in october 2017, I wish to spend a lot of my time to learn more about microalgae. specifically biodiversity, taxonomy, ltrastructure, and phylogeny of microalgae. Because my previous subject study is not studying much on biological aspect, I wish my first year of master will focus on it. I will take some related elective course and conduct practical experiment.
During my study, my regular activity is laboratory work. In the first six months, I hope to spend my time learning more on instrumentations analysis from general to advance such as Microscopy (SEM and TEM), molecular tools such as DNA Isolation, PCR, Electrophoresis, and Chromatography. These instrumentations are required for my research. on other hand, These instruments are very sensitive and advance. So, many practices in operation of these instruments are important to get accurate results of analysis. In addition, I wish also to develop my skill in microalgae isolation by conduct field sampling. At this time, I will also spend my time for comprehensif literature review on previous completion and enviromental condition characteristic of okinawa Island as stated in my research plan to result a research proposal.
Because my previous study majored in chemistry, I hope to to my study in microalgae not solely in biology aspect but combine with chemistry and biochemistry aspect. Starting in the second semester, I will take more course in chemistry. I hope to develop my subject into marine chemistry.
During the study, I will also focus on learning japanese language by attending the Japanese Language Course. Althought it is not required for graduate master course. I still need it for my daily activity. Furthermore, It is important and will help me in adaptation process to japanese culture. I have special interest in japanese culture and people. So, it will be a great opportunity if I can communicate and generate network with japanese people.
Finally, my final goal of study in Japan is to develope my skill in research. In my country, I wish to be world class researcher on marine chemistry and give big contribution to development of this area.