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'Love to learning about the world' - QuestBridge Scholarship Short Answer Question: Career Goals

gvarela52 1 / -  
Aug 13, 2015   #1
The prompt is "What are your career goals and how did you develop them?"

As a child, and up to this day I have loved learning about the world. I always wanted to visit places like India and Brazil but have been unable to afford to. So I have decided that I want to study Global Health because it embodies everything that I am interested in: global learning, the involvement of health sciences, and being able to help and possibly provide health stability.

Hi! I'm open to any feedback and suggestions for my writing. The maximum amount of characters is 400 and I have 9 left to use. Thanks!
justivy03 - / 2363 607  
Aug 19, 2015   #2
@gvarela, this prompt is quiet short but hopefully we can further it.

- As a child, and up to this dayIt has been my unwaveringI have lovedof learning about the world that urge me to keep going .

- I always wanted to visit places like India and Brazil but have been unable to afford to .
- ...that I am interested in:, global learning,..

I hope to include the following sentences;

Learning and traveling are two things that I will definitely devote myself into. My passion and interest lies in this two worlds, learning about health and being able to travel are just two things that will complete me and will give me that sense of direction. I am pursuing this goal because I know this is the path I want to take and it will never mean like a job to me, it will be my playground and a place I can share with others too.

I believe I will be able to achieve this goals, with hard work and determination, and the help of the institution, I will reach this career goals.

I know you can still elaborate your career goals further, maybe add a few more sentences and you should be good to go.

Home / Scholarship / 'Love to learning about the world' - QuestBridge Scholarship Short Answer Question: Career Goals
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