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The power of teaching others - Networking Essay for Chevening Scholarship

ommar 1 / -  
Feb 10, 2024   #1
Hi everyone, I would love to read your opinions about my networking essay for the Chevening scholarship.

I strongly believe in the power of teaching others what I aim to master, and the
significance of sharing experiences to build and maintain professional relationships.

In February 2022, I had the idea of creating a course on Facebook Marketing for
beginners to assist new graduates in improving their skills. Through my LinkedIn
network, I discovered X, an X platform providing Free workshops and courses
for fresh graduates and students. I proposed my idea to the founder, "Eng. 'XX'."
Subsequently, I recorded six videos that covered topics like creating a
Facebook page, designing a logo, page settings, and creating an ad. These videos
were published on X's YouTube channel. Each video has over 200 views, some
messaged me on my Instagram saying they gained benefits from the course in their
work. They also requested more videos on advertising, and this encouraged me to
continue learning about this field. As a result, in September 2023, I conducted a live
workshop for 35 business owners, and job seekers, about social media marketing.

Women in Iraq encounter many societal and cultural challenges to pursue a career in
STEM. I joined the 'One Million Girls in STEM' campaign by the WomEng
organisation as an ambassador for Iraq to promote STEM-related careers among
students. In October 2022, I had a meeting with the former manager of the X
Ministry of Education representative in X "XX" in which I
discussed the significance of raising awareness among girls about the future of the
world and work. I secured permission to conduct my outreach at X Secondary
School. On February 29th, 2023, I met the school's headmaster who was very
supportive and provided advice on how to lead a class effectively. During the
outreach, I explained the usage of robotics and IOT in our daily lives and what hard
skills are needed to embark on a career in this field. Additionally, I emphasized the
significance of critical thinking in solving problems such as homework. 60 girls
attended and some of them expressed their aspirations to become mechanical
engineers or scientists while others mentioned that I taught them to be determined
and learn from mistakes. The campaign enabled me to connect with ambassadors
from around the world via Instagram and with the school management through
WhatsApp for future collaborations.

I plan to attend the Innovation and Collaboration Around the World event, organized by the
Chevening Secretaries, to meet scholars from different backgrounds and cultures. I am also
keen to engage with business leaders by participating in university events and joining
societies to share insights and experiences and transfer knowledge to the youths through
conducting online sessions. I have been following Cheveners through social media since
2020 like "XX" who inspired me to apply for Chevening. I intend to harness
my marketing skills to create short videos and conduct live sessions collaborating with
alumni to assist future applicants.

Building and maintaining meaningful relationships with others to collaborating on
projects have a vital impact on achieving career goals.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4835  
Feb 11, 2024   #2
Your networking essay is too busy. It is without a clear and accurate direction that would show how your network has managed to help you mount a successful event or solve a potentially explosive work situation. The reviewer is going to look for a solid method by which you utilized your existing network. He will also look for an impressive way by which you managed to expand your network either through the expansion of your existing contacts or, creating new contacts. He has to see that you have the ability to form professional relationships that matter in your field. This essay does not accomplish that. Even more disappointing is that you have not why your networking abilities will be beneficial to Chevening members of the past, present, and future. If you do not have an existing network to share and develop, you will lose an opportunity to the applicants who can offer such a scenario to Chevening.

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