I selected New Zealand as my study destination due to its esteemed education system, which is internationally renowned for its innovative teaching methods, research opportunities, and commitment to academic excellence. I believe that Indonesia can draw valuable lessons from New Zealand's educational practices, particularly in adopting a more student-centered approach, enhancing curriculum flexibility, emphasizing basic skills, addressing educational attainment gaps, and promoting cultural integration. By studying in New Zealand, I aim to gain firsthand experience and insights into these educational strategies, which I can then apply to contribute to the enhancement of Indonesia's education system. Additionally, the cultural diversity and vibrant academic community in New Zealand offer a conducive environment for intellectual growth and cross-cultural exchange, further enriching my learning experience. Overall, selecting New Zealand aligns with my academic goals and aspirations to contribute positively to the development of education in Indonesia.
Why do you select New Zealand?
The response does not offer solid information to the reviewer. You are giving what is called a "non-response". That means you are offering what looks like a proper answer to the question at first glance but, upon repeated reading, there is no actual straightforward information provided by the writer. You have mentioned anything but generic responses to the question that shows a lack of proper consideration for your study choice and destination. Even though this is a character limited response, you must find a way to include specifics that will show how aligned your target educational process and achievements align with the offerings of New Zealand. Be specific. What are the weaknesses of Indonesian education that is a strength for New Zealand? Why do you consider it a strength?
Please, identify a challenge which you think New Zealand is in advantage to help solve in Indonesia.
Please, identify a challenge which you think New Zealand is in advantage to help solve in Indonesia.