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My social security number doesn't show up! (Boston University)

diodotusX 3 / 19  
Jan 2, 2010   #1
So for some reason, my social security number does not show up the app when I click "print/print review", even though I typed it into the app. Help?

Is anyone else having this problem?
basil - / 8  
Jan 2, 2010   #2
This is NOT the appropriate forum to ask this question. With that said, did you click "save" before you pressed preview?
OP diodotusX 3 / 19  
Jan 2, 2010   #3
Yeah, I know this isn't the right place to go to for help but I'm pretty sure the admissions office at BU would be on break so I can't call them. I figured it might be worth a shot here since there's many students working on apps. And yes, I did click save before I hit preview. The same thing keeps coming up. Or I suppose, failing to come up.
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
Jan 11, 2010   #4
Ah, I wish I could help you, but I know nothing. I see, though, that this was several days ago, so you are probably all done with the process now.

For the record, the reason we set up the "Student Talk" forum was for subjects like this that do not pertain to essays... so it's okay!! :-)
christiek 6 / 65  
Jan 12, 2010   #5
I think you are fine. I applied there too and I noticed that there is some information that doesn't show up in the preview even when you type it in.

Well, I hope we are both fine : )

I actually checked like 5 times before I submitted it to make sure I typed it in.

Home / Student Talk / My social security number doesn't show up! (Boston University)
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