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I am attracted by the faculty and Co-op program, fascinated by the school spirit in Georgia Tech

Hu Zhenghang 1 / -  
Oct 3, 2017   #1
Beyond rankings, location, and athletics, why are you interested in attending Georgia Tech? (max150)
It is a

Georgia Tech Supplement Essay

I am attracted by the high cost performance after considering the cost of attendance and the resources Georgia Tech can provide. Faculty and Co-op program are two resources that I take a fancy with. Faculties not only are outstanding people in their fields, but also have high expectation on students. Personally, this expectation will give me more energy to push forward. Georgia Tech also offers a five-year Co-op program with best administration, by joining, I can practice technical theories and get more career offers with a higher starting salaries when I graduate.

Plus, I am fascinated by the school spirit of never comparing materially. In the campus, no one cares about what you wear and eat, what they care is your thought. People evaluate you based on the attractiveness and coolness of your product. This spirit makes the school a better place for students to concentrate on projects without distraction.

Thanks for your help!
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 14982 4813  
Oct 3, 2017   #2
Zhenghang, I am not sure what you mean by "high cost performance". Do you mean you want to attend this university because their tuition fee is cheap? If that is what you mean, then don't say that. Focus your discussion instead on the academic development that you can achieve at Georgia Tech. Consider the learning environment and it can support your interests. Talk about some lab that you look forward to using to further your academic interests. Discuss the mentoring programs the professors offer. Or consider the internship and training opportunities that you can participate in. Use an academic point of view. This version sounds more like you are looking forward to attending a summer camp or some sort of long term party university, which Georgia Tech is not. Don't include social descriptions unless you are referring to varsity games and team spirit. It shouldn't be about social discrimination or the lack of it, as implied in your essay. That is not what attending college, specially at this university, is all about.

Home / Undergraduate / I am attracted by the faculty and Co-op program, fascinated by the school spirit in Georgia Tech
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