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Jul 8, 2019   #1
could you help me and give me your opinion on my personal statement. should contain:
- Motivations with which you apply for this program
- Family and Education background
- Significant experiences you have had; risks you have taken and achievements you have made, persons or events that have had a significant influence on you

- Extracurricular activities such as club activities, community service activities or work experiences
- If applicable, describe awards you have received, publications you have made, or skills you have acquired, etc.

KGSP is an opportunity

Businesses moves the world, which somehow makes us all connected. Is interesting think about how the people depend on businesses to satisfy their needs and desires, no matter in what part of the world they are; that's why it is vital to properly understand the complexity of what are and represents the industries. This led me to realize that business is more than just sales, is a large set of resources such as information management, market knowledge, innovation, but above all, the most important leadership, creativity and relationships.

I have always been focused on applying these concepts and being able to recognize human needs as well as take full advantage of them. For example, when I was at school the students had problems with the food in the cafeteria, so I found a way to sell sandwiches during breaks. It's not a very ostentatious activity but by doing this, I was able to obtain some profits (this is just one of several examples of what I have done). I grew up with this great idea in my mind of how incredible it would be to be an entrepreneur of business, so I have this goal very clear.

It is well known that in the 21st century the future of the economy and business is in Asia. the accomplishment of the economy of powerful countries such as South Korea, China and Japan is that their business models are hybrid of traditional culture and modern practices, as is explained in books like "the future is Asia" by Parag Khanna and "the Korean way in business" by Boyé Lafayette De Mente. However, the secret of its success and rapid expansion is its financing on education, research and development.

The reduction of the probability that a business fails depend of the strategic study of each of the linkages that directly affect the implementation of activities and achievement of the objectives of companies; this can be learned through professional education and it is something that South Korea knows well as it can be seen at the level of its educational programs as well as the level of development of its society. The transformation that South Korea underwent to become one of the most socially and economically forward countries in less than 50 years, it a prove of their investment in the pursuit of quality knowledge.

I consider that education is one of the most important bases for human and social growth, so it is necessary to acquire knowledge and never cease the learning process. Nevertheless, it is essential that people who have access to education fully benefit from these opportunities, so this is the area where the real effort is reflected. I strongly believe that all the effort and sacrifices that I make during my youth will help me to properly build my future and be excellent at a professional and personal level, so every day this idea inspires me to constantly strive for achieving my goals.

I identify myself as a persistent, responsible and very dedicated person, many of these qualities I learned from my parents and the way they brought me up. One of the phrases that really identifies my family is "Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." by Winston S. Churchill.

Since my father's family had limited resources, he had to enlist in the army in order to earn an income, even though his great desire was to be able to study engineering. He never gave up with his dream and is currently studying industrial engineering at age 42, doing his fifth semester of college. As for my mother, got pregnant when she was 20 years old, but that didn't stop her from studying to be a professional nurse. She had to take care of me and study at the same time, however, never thought of giving up because she had very clear goals and wanted to achieve them at all costs. They really taught me that hardships are part of the process but I must always keep trying.

After I graduated from high school, in 2015 I had the opportunity to enter a public university here in Colombia, so I started to study industrial engineering because I thought this career will allow me to learn in a specific way the management of company processes. Unfortunately, since the end of 2017 and beginning of 2018 the public universities in Colombia have had many problems regarding the quality of education and resources given to students (such as laboratories, computer rooms, etc.). For this reason, in the middle of 2018 there was a national strike until the first months of 2019, which delayed us for almost 2 semesters (1 year). This drove me to think a lot about the quality of study I really wanted and deserved, so I began to pursuit options to study an undergraduate abroad even if I had to start again. More than a hardship I see this as an opportunity to search for new horizons, being a more mature person and with the advantage of some previous knowledge. Therefore, I decided to apply to the Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP); through it I will be able to achieve a proper accredited education and show who I am, what I am capable of and the person I want to be in the future.

With this new possibility, I decided not to study industrial engineering although I already had some previous knowledge of the semesters I have studied here in my country, in order to approach directly in business administration. Also, I pondered about a phrase I heard in one of my classes "if you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart" by Nelson Mandela; it inspired me to want to develop into a polyglot and understand how important it is to know new cultures. This is something I want to apply to business, it's amazing to think about the international relations that could be achieved through cultural and language exchange. I've started with this objective, My native language is Spanish, I finished my English course and currently I am studying Korean. I started studying Korean by myself in march of this year and in April entered an "advanced" course dictated by professor Jung Sook Min from KOICA.

Other extracurricular activities that I have done is I was in a logistic club in addition I went to industrial visits to manufacturing plants of companies as Postobón, Jamar, Coca-Cola, etc. Also, the closest work experience I've had is that I used to help my stepfather at his auto parts store. They had a quite disorganized and mechanized business model, so I helped them organize their workstations more efficiently and automate part of the processes. For example, they bought a computer for me to teach them how to type invoices and have an inventory.

In, addition, I received certification in short courses of development of new commercial strategies, one in calculation and interpretation of financial indicators and one in the use of Microsoft tools such as excel. I also have an English course certificate, where I receive an award for best conversational achievement, and lastly a Korean course certificate.

I genuinely feel prepared to accomplish this challenge, being able to study in an outstanding institution through KGSP is a wonderful opportunity to develop my future, to really learn the value of Korean culture and also to show to this beautiful country my Colombian traditions.

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