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'born with full of differences' - GKS Personal Statement - Undergraduate - Business Administration

Minhtu 1 / -  
Sep 24, 2021   #1

GKS Personal Statement for Business Administration

I was born with full of differences compared to others around me. In terms of family background, while most of my friends' parents run their own business, mine work as civil servants. In terms of appearance, while every family member has double eyelids, I am the one who has single ones. While my younger sister takes after our parents, I am so different from them that a visitor on the same trip to Japan with my family considered me as their adopted child. While people's smiles shine with white teeth, mine is equipped with braces. In terms of education, while my parents and younger sister do not have a mind for Maths, it is my favourite subject throughout high school. When I was a child, I was always ashamed of my differences, especially in terms of physical appearance due to my braces. As I become older year by year, I change my mind and realize that these differences make me become unique. However, I desire to be unique by differences not only from outside but also from what I make by myself. That is the reason why I decided to apply for Business Administration at Korea university with a view to becoming a successful entrepreneur and making innovative impacts on society.

I hardly met any obstacles on my education path. I spent 4 years studying at Tu Son Specialized Secondary School and 3 following years at Bac Ninh Specialized High School. While studying, I always achieved a scholarship every semester thanks to my grade in the top 10% of the class. After graduation, I received a direct offer from the most prestigious university in Vietnam named University of Languages and International Studies (Ulis - VNU), so my freshman life was shaped by learning and teaching English day by day. However the plain road ended when I studied Business which is an optional subject in the curriculum. I was taught how business-related knowledge works in our daily life, which evoked my deepest feeling for business. I decided to find out more about this subject and realized that business was operating directly in my own family on a daily basis. Firstly, my grandmother reminds me of finance-related knowledge which is financial independence. Although she can live on her children, my grandmother still makes money daily by selling scrap, which gives her a sense of being independent from the offspring in terms of finance. Secondly, my parents proved to me the importance of building a personal brand when running a business. Although they do not run any advertisements, they still have a number of customers everyday, which results from their good quality products for consumers. Thanks to them, I realized if your business provides customers with the best goods and services, they will definitely introduce more friends and relatives about your products, which both boost business development and cost you nothing in terms of advertisement. When understanding how knowledge applied to practical life, my interest for Business Administration became bigger and bigger, which led to my decision to drop out of university and follow my passion.

Not only was I affected strongly by people around me but I also realized I should no longer give up on my passion when collecting hands-on experience. One of the most prominent experiences to me is The Kimchi Project, in which I was Co-founder and Head of the Finance Team. At that time, the youth in Vietnam were hooked greatly on K-pop. However their parents opposed this because they feared their offsprings' results at school would be badly affected by K-pop idols. Due to such a great love for Korea and Korean culture, my friends and I decided to run a project to help people have a better understanding of this amazing country. Although a cultural fair was successfully organized as well as our magazine called "Koreanholic" sold out, there were not without difficulties on that journey. Firstly, operating a project consisting of 60 members left me struggling with teamwork and leadership skills. Without any prior experiences at this position before, panicking was my deepest feeling at that time. However, seeking help from seniors for their advice and experiences as well as reading more about leadership was my choice instead of giving up. Finally, the best solution I resorted to was choosing a potential leader for each stakeholder, which helps me effortlessly keep track of as well as structure tasks for everyone. Besides, working as a Head of Finance Team challenged me a lot because it was not effortless to persuade sponsors to invest in our project at first. However, thanks to efficient sponsor-seeking strategy along with thorough preparation before any direct meetings, we gained a sponsorship of 20 million VND for the project, so our Cultural Fair occured successfully with the attendance of nearly 600 people. As a Co-founder, I felt so happy because our project not only reached the objective of bringing Korean culture closer to the Vietnamese but positively changed the parents' mind about Korea. Besides, I gained a number of priceless experiences ranging from leadership, teamwork along with communication skills to finance management. Reflecting on those difficulties demonstrated my potential for running a business, thus strengthening my desire for studying Business Administration to gain more professional major-related knowledge.

Thanks to self-reflection, not only did I realize that I want to earn a Business Administration Degree but I also found out that Korea is the most ideal place for me to make my dream come true. The first reason is that Korea today is one of the strongest economies in Asia as well as in the world, which gives me a chance to get access to the best business-related knowledge along with getting working experiences from the famous firms such as Samsung, Hyundai or Daewoo. Secondly, Korea and Vietnam share some resemblances in terms of economic improvement. Specifically, Korea improved from a developing country to a developed one at great pace but still preserving traditional culture features which is essential for Vietnam in economic development without losing traditional cultural features. With these objectives, I believe studying at Korea University Business School through Global Korea Scholarship will be a stepping stone towards achieving my career goals and growing my knowledge in relation to South Korea, solidifying my language skills and gaining experience in business work. I am utterly impressed with the course curriculum of Korea University Business School because it allows students to have access to various majors relating to running a business before deciding the advanced major to pursue, which prevents students from selecting the wrong major at university. Moreover, school introduces a number of internship chances frequently, which helps students effortlessly approach working opportunities. Besides coming to Korea for education, I regard the Global Korea Scholarship as the best chance for me to steep myself into Korean culture which I have been greatly fascinated about for nearly 10 years. If offered the scholarship, I will vlog my student life while living in Korea in order to introduce to Vietnamese youngsters more about Korean culture and cultural destinations there. After graduation, I will chase a MBA degree in the United States before returning to Vietnam. When coming back to Vietnam, I will run a business relating to education and studying abroad with an aim to help more Vietnamese youth confidently travel and study around the world. I am so passionate about this education-related business because I understand the enormous impact of education on people' lives. However, Vietnamese youngsters living in the outskirts or rural areas have limitations in getting access to higher education, especially studying overseas. Therefore, my company will not only equip students with a profilience in language and soft skills but also often organize talk shows and summer camps in Korea as well as other countries to give students international cultural experience, which triggers their curiosity about the world and inspires them to explore it by themselves. In conclusion, I might not be the best academic applicant applying, but I believe my passion for Korea's culture and business stands out among others.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4835  
Sep 26, 2021   #2
[quote=Minhtu]That is the reason...impacts on society.[/quote]
This line does not relate to the previous presentation. It appears to be an insertion in the paragraph. It overly dramatic, without a relatable point in the paragraph. You may still use this line in a more relatable paragraph later on.

I hardly met any obstacles on my education path.

Regardless, an obstacle must still be presented. You may use your differences with your family members in reference to this discussion. It need not be an academic obstacle. It can be any sort of obstacle.

If offered the scholarship, I will vlog ... When coming back to Vietnam, I will run a business ...stands out among others.

These information are part of different plans. The vlog is helpful in the language study plan. The career plan upon return and other data are more applicable to a post study plan.

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