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College Vs Career in Music: Why TRANSFER?

CherryPac18 10 / 28  
Mar 18, 2013   #1
I have always aspired to become a musician. But, aspiring to attend college and pursue a career in music can be quite contradictory if you want to be a performer and not an instrumentalist. This is because most colleges only focus on handing music degrees to those who play an instrument. Though I play the flute and the piano, I was never interested in playing an instrument for the rest of my life. After all, I want to pursue my Hip Hop career. Prior to attending college and deciding to major in my second favorite subjects, Architecture & Engineering, I realized that I was no longer interested and music was indeed my calling.

I have for the past five years, dedicated my few hours of free time to the analysis of Hip Hop and Dancehall/Reggae music, lyrics, and culture. It is just my general love for the genres that allow me to spend my nights reading books and watching DVDs dedicated to the history of these genres; but mostly Hip Hop. It is my love for the genres that allows me to the surf the web for countless hours to find artists that stay true to the Hip Hop culture in an era where every rapper makes pop records in order to be heard on the radio. Only few Hip Hop artists that are out today stay true to the essence of Hip Hop culture. I aspire to be a fusion artist one day. Not many people recognize the similarities between Hip Hop and Dancehall/Reggae music. Not many people know that Hip Hop was in fact born in Jamaica and imported to the South Bronx by DJ Kool Herc. It is my goal to fuse the influence of my Jamaican culture with my love for Hip Hop; like Bob Marley meets Biggie Smalls. I hope to one day represent females in these male dominated genres, while bringing back the essence of both cultures and allowing the population to realize that females really can 'spit'.

But, even though I spend my days researching, taking independent courses, and writing lyrics, I have yet to record any of my lyrics or start making beats. Even if I did go to the studio I would not have the slightest clue where to start, I have no experience in the studio. All of my knowledge and talent is useless if I can't put them to use. I want to transfer to the NYU: Clive Davis of Recorded Music, because the programs objective is to create performers, producers, and executives by teaching them the artistic and business aspects of the music industry. These skills are important to any individual that plans on becoming any type of musical entrepreneur. After I have reached my initial goal of becoming an established Jamaican influenced Hip Hop artist, I also aspire to start a label that seeks artists who I feel can represent the generation. I was also attracted to this program because of the course selection. Particularly: Hip Hop History, Music, & Culture; Jamaica; Classic Albums; Women as Entrepreneurs in Popular Music; and Bob Marley and Postcolonial Music. (But mostly Classic Albums because I get to be in the same room with the legendary Quest Love.)

vangiespen - / 4088  
Jan 26, 2015   #2
There is information in your essay that should not be there at the moment. Trivia about the connection between hip hop and reggae music is not really necessary and only makes the essay longer, but not more informative about the reasons why you want to transfer schools. Omitting that unnecessary information will tighten the essay and highlight the reasons you want to transfer instead. Just be very specific. Explain how you find yourself unfulfilled in your current course and that you are constantly being drawn into the world of music, even though you know that a future in the music industry would be hard to achieve these days. Your essay will be best served if you can explain the reason you are dissatisfied with your current course so that you will have a strong reason for wishing to shift courses and universities. In its current form, the essay is a bit long and does not always answer the prompt requirements. A little editing of the content that you wrote should help fix that problem :-)

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