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"Democracy in Middle East and Our Lives" (issue of importance transfer to ut Austin)

Kfjfj 1 / -  
Jun 20, 2011   #1
This is the topic
Personal Essay

Choose an issue of importance to you - the issue could be personal, school related, local, political, or international in scope - and write an essay in which you explain the significance of that issue to yourself, your family, your community, or your generation.

And this is what I wrote about. Please tell me what you think as soon as possible.

Democracy in Middle East and Our Lives

Theodore Parker said once that; "A democracy, that is, a government of all the people, by all the people, for all the people; of course, a government after the principles of eternal justice, the unchanging law of God; for shortness sake, I will call it the idea of freedom." In a perfectly democratic government, the ruler is not a single person or a body of persons, rather the rulers is the people of the nation. The valuable part of a democratic government is that justice is for one and all. Everyone is treated equally before the law and there is no discrimination between anybody. Democracy is also one of the most widely used forms of governmental systems in the world, where the people of the nation vote for their selected individuals who then represent their stake in an organization called The Parliament. In a democratic form of government, the ruling party has to facing one or more parties that are known and act as The Opposition, who oppose the unfavorable policies of the government and ensure that the every step is taken in the best interest of the nation.

Besides the popularity and benefits associated with the democratic form of government, the religion Islam does not directly appreciate this type of political system. Instead the form of government that is promoted by the Islamic history is the Khilafat system, where the majority of the people in a state appoint a single person, possessing the characteristics of a leader including being just, noble, kind, exemplary, knowledgeable. This person is called Khalifa, who has the entire powers to run the matters of the state, provided he retains the acceptance of the majority. The most striking feature of a Khilafat form of government is that the Khalifa is bound to implement and ensure the implementation of Islamic laws and regulations. In a Khilafat system, the sovereignty lies with God, and all the laws provided by Quran and Sunnah should become the laws of the state. However besides the presence of this governmental system in the history of Islam, the majority of the Middle Eastern Islamic countries are based on Kingdom system. These states are run by Kings, who are the descendants of the earlier kings, and are not appointed by the majority.

According to Brian Whitaker, an editor of a famous newspaper in Middle East argues that the major obstacles in the implementation of democracy in Middle East include the long lasting presence and dominance of the Imperial system of government, the abundant presence of Oil and other natural resources, the Arabian conflict t with Israel and the traditional approach of the people of the nations. As per the imperial system, the Kings rule the regions and the determination of all the rules and laws are based on their orders and acceptance. This means that the justice and equality is not for all, instead a group of powerful people remain above the access of law. Remaining abused for a long time, the people of these regions have now stood up against this political system. A recent movement of implementing democracy in Tunisia followed by the revolution of Egypt has caused a stir in the entire Middle East region. The movement started in Tunisia removed the long lasting and tyrannical period of "One man rule" and caused to introduce the democratic system. The impact of the movement was so hard that the people of Egypt, exhausted from the "one man rule" form of political system, came out on the roads and protested as long as the ruler was forced to leave and move out.

The fire started and spread throughout the Middle Eastern region showing its impact in regions such as Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait and others. The democracy is thought to be the solution for all the issues of these regions and it is believed that a political system based on the rule of all, will be the best option. The reason that Khilafat is not directly the demand by the people and instead Democracy is being sought in these regions, is the fear that based on the name of Khilafat system, another "one man rule" will get started. Although a Khalifa is one chosen by all, yet democracy and parliamentary system such as those implemented in West is being demanded. Nonetheless, the recent revolutionary movement in the Middle Eastern region of the world has given rise to several questions in the minds of the residents.

If democracy is implemented in Middle East, the impacts on the lives of the people will be great. The laws and regulations of the state will get changed altogether. The judicial system will get changed in the best interest of all, and everyone will be held equal in the eyes of law. The institutions will be created to serve different aspects of the society. The economic decisions of the state will be made by keeping in mind the best interest of the entire nation, instead of personal gain. The educational system will improve as the incoming of the talented teachers and professors will be appreciated by a democratic government. The foreign relations with the other regions and governments of the world will improve and the movement of goods across the borders will improve, resulting into a better economy. The taxation system will become more vigorous and the funds collected through the taxes will be used for the development of the state. Although the present living condition and the infrastructure of the Middle Eastern regions is very good and appreciated by all, yet the people are kept oppressed by the Imperial system.

On a smaller level, I think that the lives of the people will change as everyone will be treated equally. This will mean that women will be allowed to participate in the governmental as well private organizations and hence they will be able to feel their freedom. As the economy will improve, more jobs will be created and the overall compensation of the people will get better. If the government is people oriented, every decision will be in the favor of all. The media will be allowed its desired and deserved freedom, and the people will be allowed the freedom of speech. In short, the standard of living will get improved and the life will become freer and happier. The improved education system will make our nation self capable and we will no more require our reliance over the technical expertise of other nations. By having a free and democratic government, the natural resources of our region will be utilized more effectively and in the best stake of the nation.

However to achieve the above desired results of democratic form of political system it is essential that the we if created an opportunity to bring about a revolution like in Tunisia and Egypt, we must as a nation make the best decisions at the time. A democratic system gone wrong can give rise to a situation identified by William Penn, who says that a democracy is; "Let the people think they govern and they will be govern'd."

EF_Kevin 8 / 13288 129  
Jun 21, 2011   #2
Great job here!! I want to give you a tip that will improve the effectiveness of your writing: Always try to take out the word THAT if the sentence will still make sense.

for example:
...Parker once said, "A democracy..."
On a smaller level, I think the lives of ...
...Penn, who says a democracy is...

No need for THAT.


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