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East meets West UC Prompt #2

SmH 2 / 6  
Nov 16, 2009   #1
Any ideas as to where i can go with this?? please help!

Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about his quality or accomplishmnt makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?

Learning to embrace both Asian and American cultures has been challenging, because these different philosophies contradict one another.

Tuesday - / 1  
Nov 16, 2009   #2
Maybe you can talk about an experience within your native culture that goes with your thesis?

Many of my close friends, if not all of them, often tell me of stories in which their native Asian cultures often class with those of American cultures. The examples they often give me revolve around their parents traditions vs. what they wish to do in America, their dreams for you vs. your dreams for yourself, etc.

A good way would be to maybe start with a scenario in which you experienced this "clash of cultures." You can elaborate on how this relates to the person you are and then close off with a conclusion that echos your thesis by touching on the scenario once again (maybe a "looking back" kind of deal, etc).

If this doesn't make sense, please make sure to point that out and I will be more than glad to make myself clearer. (:

...and I'm sure many others will be able to give you great advice, as I am merely a new kid on this site!

Best of luck!
EF_Kevin 8 / 13127  
Nov 18, 2009   #3
They contradict one another... that is a good observation. Can you also include a paragraph that gives the opposite point of view? Experiences that showed you our similarities?

Tell about an exprience of helping others transcend cultural barriers... got any experiences like that?

ry to write about an experience that helped to shape you into an aspiring neurosurgeon, or an aspiring teacher, or whatever it is that describes the person you are today.

but make sure the person you are today is a person that absolutely must be admitted into this school... a person with strong motivation.

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