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"educational opportunities" and more - why you considering OSU?

owusucool 1 / 1  
Dec 2, 2009   #1
I am considering The Ohio State University not only for its nationally recognized extracurricular activities but for its educational opportunities provide for their students. I believe OSU will provide me with a great academic and social environment to ensure success in the working world. I am ambitious, enthusiastic, and a self-driven individual who never gives up on anything.

With adequate resources and great research facility, I know OSU will help me pursue a course in Pharmacology. It is my dream to help dispense prescription drugs to patients, provide the necessary information about those drugs and help patients understand the instructions their doctors or other health practitioners have provided. Majoring at OSU will allow me to test my capabilities in my area of interest and ameliorate me to make my dream a reality.

Beyond providing a great educational atmosphere for their students, it is a place where students can be part of its wide diversity groups. This will help me view many social topics in a different vista and relate myself to those social differences. I believe attending Ohio State would make me a better person to serve my community and help me in my future ventures. Being part of the great traditions like OSU vs. Michigan rivalry would be an honor.

i need a feedback on this essay..plz i can you help me edit this essay.
czernier - / 1  
Dec 2, 2009   #2
a degree in pharmacology
add in a stronger closing sentence
try to be a bit deeper and show how OSU is close to you heart.
Also, include what you will contribute to OSU, as well as what they will contribute to you.
OP owusucool 1 / 1  
Dec 2, 2009   #3
can you be little bit specfic on adding a strong closing sentence becuase im kind of run out of what to write. i will appreciate if you can help me
EF_Kevin 8 / 13,321 129  
Dec 4, 2009   #4
I believe OSU will provide me with a great academic and social environment to ensure success in the working worl d.

This sentence follows your opening line, an assertion that their school provides a special opportunity for you. Instead of this sentence, tell an example that proves that the school actually does provide a special educational opportunity that is especially useful for you. This will require that you observe something about the school that makes it particularly appealing to you -- because of your unique interests.

It is not good to start that sentence with "I believe" because you already asserted something, and now you need to confidently back it up. What is the perfect example of why this school is perfect for you as an aspiring pharmacologist? You should make that point at the start, in the second sentence, so that it drives the whole essay.

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