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'I enjoy studying history' common app

Noobzilla 3 / 22  
Dec 26, 2011   #1
History is a testament to that fact that mere mortals can change the course of entire nations. I have always admired these men not only for the upshots of their actions but also for their resilience and strong resolve. I, too , have experienced difficulties and have faced challenges head-on, the process of which has made me stronger.

Living in a society where the bold and the beautiful flourish and the atypical are considered outcasts, I have not suffered from, but in fact, have been blessed with the skin disorder Vitiligo. Being the object of cruel jokes, I taught myself patience and resilience. I laughed with those who mocked me, as did King Baldwin IV, who suffered from leprosy, a disease far more painful and tormenting than vitiligo. He was ridiculed because of his disfigured physique, yet even with his marred face, the King was able to succeed: as a crusader, he held back the Saracens from occupying Jerusalem during his entire lifetime. His gallantry was a source of inspiration for me and a sign of hope: the color of your skin is no obstacle to achieving greatness in life.

Also I have acquired General Montgomery's aura of charisma. He was able to raise the morale of the devastated British North Africa Core; similarly, In every part of life whether It be a Soccer Match which we are destined to loose, exam preparations or any team event, I motivate my comrades with sheer conviction when they need it.

Like Tipu Sultan who excelled as a warrior, ruler and poet, I am a multi-faceted individual. I am the Tipu of the twenty-first century: Outside the class room, I have intense passion for writing comics, poster/website designing, film making and circuit building. Hence, I stand out from my peers due to my diversity.

As an innovative way to supply rations and arms to inferior guerrilla Vietcong, the use of the Ho Chi Min Trail was a decisive factor in the military success of the Vietnamese. Digital circuit designing requires us to think differently and produce something that not only works, but also succeeds in the market as well. My design of the battery monitor is testament to my distinctive ability of employing novel ideas, the very which allowed the Vietnamese to succeed.

After leaving the army, Eisenhower continued struggling for a better America and fought new battles as his country's President. Likewise, I intend to remain true to my purpose: to improve the socio-economic conditions of my homeland-that of pulling Pakistan from its energy crisis--through the field of electronics.

Undoubtedly, I enjoy studying history. From Hannibal's great leap across the Alps to the construction of the Suez Canal to the first lunar landings, I have immersed myself into every single documentary that the History Channel has to offer. My bookcase shelves are flooded with books biographies of renowned rulers these personalities have been sources of immense courage. In presenting the above-cited examples, I have illustrated the best of parts of me and I am learning every day!
glamazing 4 / 11  
Dec 26, 2011   #2
Wow. I think your essay does a great job in illustrating yourself as an individual while also highlighting your interests.
I would do one thing however; change the Also, in the third para. It seems abrupt and kind of interrupts the flow.
Also you missed out an 'of' after books in the last para, just noticed.
Overall, great job, well done!
Thanks for the reviews on mine :)

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