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A good fit for University Scholars program

Avornyo Bless 1 / - 1  
Nov 8, 2016   #1
Hey guys,
I'm writing an essay about university scholars program. If there's any form of correction, suggestions or any idea that will spice it up, it would be highly appreciated.Thanks in advance

Stony Brook writing supplement:
If you are applying to Honors College,University Scholars ,or WISE, please tell us why you would be a good fit for your preferred program.

I am a high-achieving student and seeks an honor program that would augment my knowledge base and challenge me to work harder. University Scholars is the ideal program for me. Being in the mist of other high-achieving students is something I find not only appealing,but also intellectually stimulating. I'm hardworking,have a keen interest in academic research and thrive on intellectual challenge. I want to be part of the program,University Scholar, which is challenging but yet rewarding.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15171 4859  
Nov 9, 2016   #2
Peter, what is the maximum word or character count for your response statement? I am asking because I would like to see you expand upon your response. The way that I read it, there is a lack of evidence or supporting facts within your essay for your admissions plea. You have only provided some basic reasons for your being "fit" for the program. Aside from telling them why you think you will do well, you must also be able to provide some sort of supporting evidence. For example, when you say you are high achieving student, you should follow that up with information about your academic accomplishments / honors / recognitions which will be proof of your claim. If you provided that information in the application form, this is your opportunity to remind the reviewer to take note of your transcript of records. The rest of the information that you presented is pretty standard and honestly, won't allow you to stand out among the pool of applicants. You need to prove that you are fit for the program using some sort of unique skill or accomplishment that the other applicants may not be able to provide.

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