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graphic design Massart essay; graphic designers are as skilled as other artist

einahpetSssiM 1 / 1  
Oct 17, 2012   #1
The prompt is basically asking what i want to do as an artist and why.

Many artists I know don't think graphic designers are as skilled as other artists, or that graphic design shouldn't even be considered a real art form. This is especially true when using a computer, because some people view this as "cheating". When people normally think of art, they probably think of much different forms such as drawing and painting, not graphic design. I do admit, graphic design can be less expressive and more of a commercial, mostly money-making form of art. However, graphic design is just as valid of an art form as any other, and I believe it is the most interesting.

One of my favorite aspects of the graphic design world is that I, as a designer, have a lot of power. For example, if I were hired by a business to design an advertisement, logo, etc., I could create an amazing ad or logo and cause the business to succeed. I could also just do the bare minimum just to make a client happy enough, but still create a lousy design, and cause the business to be less successful. Things like logos and advertisements are extremely important when trying to attract customers, and can make or break a business.

Graphic design has also helped me with doing other types of art. The most important aspect of graphic design is making something appealing to the eye. Being able to understand and apply the principles of color, shape, and composition are essential in being able to even begin to create appealing designs. Using these same principles in my paintings and drawings have definitely improved them greatly. For example, when I would create an art piece before I took graphic design, I would always just stick the subject in the middle. Now, I know how to place the subject off center, in a way that it connects with the surrounding environment, which is more appealing for people to look at, and creates better artwork. Before I took graphic design, I thought I wouldn't like it, but now I know how much it has helped me.

My graphic design teacher, Mrs. McGinnity, was the one to initiate my love for this type of art. This year is my third year taking her classes, and she has taught me so much in this short period of time. She is such a modern person today, which has many advantages, especially when teaching students who want to work as graphic designers, a very modern form of art. But she is actually older than she looks (and she loves it when my classmates and I tell her that). When she was first studying graphic design, there was no Photoshop, or Illustrator, or InDesign. Although she is very knowledgeable in these programs now, she had to learn the foundations of what design is without computer programs. Today, she passes this knowledge on to my classmates and me. Graphic design is always changing, and it is very important to stay current in order to succeed.

Because of my graphic design class and teacher at my high school, and at Summer Studios, I know, as an artist, I would like to pursue the area of graphic design. Although it isn't usually what people think of when they think of art, graphic design has helped me in many ways to become a better artist overall, and it is what I want to continue doing in college and beyond.
EF_Susan - / 2364 12  
Nov 1, 2012   #2
However, graphic design is just as valid of an art form as any other, and I believe it is the most interesting.

Using these same principles in my paintings and drawings has definitely improved them greatly.

She is such a modern person today , which has many advantages, especially when teaching students who want to work as graphic designers, a very modern form of art.

Because of my graphic design class, my teacher at myin high school, and at Summer ...

asuther 1 / 1  
Nov 19, 2012   #3
For example, if I were hired by a business to design an advertisement, logo, etc., I could create an amazing ad or logo and cause the business to succeed.

This seems a little repetitive. Perhaps,

For example, if I were hired by a business to design an advertisement, logo, etc., I could create an amazing product that causes the business to succeed.

She is such a modern person today...

This seems a bit awkward.

Home / Undergraduate / graphic design Massart essay; graphic designers are as skilled as other artist
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