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WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO YOU? WHY? Knowing my limits

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Nov 27, 2021   #1

Knowing my limits

Of the many things important to me, knowing my limits is the highest. In my earlier years of high school, classes did not feel very intensive, and as such I did not put in much effort in my work as I felt that I was doing enough. Over time, my grades slowly dipped as classes began to increase in difficulty. At first I was content with this as I thought that I was working as well as I could. This all changed after going through multiple poor tests in my online math class last year. I concluded that I was not pushing myself to the limit and pledged to improve. I began to put more time into understanding and reviewing content even if I thought it was redundant to spend time on it. This resulted in a comeback of over 10%, but at this stage my final grade no longer satisfied me as it had been affected by my lack of effort earlier in the course. I knew I could have done so much better had I pushed myself to the limit, and so I promised not to make the same mistake. Later in the summer, I retook my physics course and managed to score 100%, working to the best of my ability. I now find that many times an individual can have potential to reach much further than they are, but never quite get to their limits because it is easy to settle down and think that the effort being put in now is enough. Sometimes it is, however it is those who push themselves to the very limits of their abilities that achieve the greatest things.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated, thanks.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15169 4859  
Nov 28, 2021   #2
Knowing your limits refers to actually finding out what your limitations are and how you got around it. It does not refer to your being too lazy to study and then later on cramming to improve your grade. Since you never really reached your limit, it is incorrect to say that you consider knowing your limits as important. This is a reference that can only be used by people who have actually gone all the way, failed (know your limits), then succeeded (overcoming your limits). I do not get any sense of this in this writing. I am not convinced by your limitations discussion. Rather, you should be referencing the importance of a proper study ethic in the life of a student who would like to to have good grades for college education considerations.

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