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"My interest lies in science" - MIT World I come from

whitepolarbear 7 / 31  
Dec 26, 2009   #1
Describe the world you come from; for example, your family, clubs,school,community,city, or town. How has that world shaped your dreams and aspirations?(*) (200-250 words)

The daily hours of imprisonment were over. Discarding my backpack in the apartment, I ran outside, dirty tennis shoes squeaking on neat walkway. Temperature: warm; breezy. All seemed to be in order, and the afternoon spanned out before me. Perhaps I would visit the turtles in the botanical garden nearby for the fourth time that week. The dorms of the Claremont School of Theology were certainly a bleak prospect for children with its whitewashed walls and patchy expanses of grass. Suddenly, I heard a voice calling for me. "Jenny! See what Julie found!" Grace and I ran to a ladder leading to the roof of the apartment. "There's a bird nest on that ledge, right at the top!" I found myself staring into a nest housing blue speckled eggs. I had entered into the hidden life of a bird. Curiosity burning, I returned to the nest later, only to find the eggs missing. The other children had dropped them, in the midst of stealing them. This accident sparked indignation in me. The kids moved on with their lives, but I came away with a sense of responsibility. Those speckled eggs represent what people have destroyed-are in the process of destroying. My interest lies in science, where I might possibly reverse previous damage on ecosystems and aquatic habitats. But this does not mean I cannot extend my influence to change the attitudes of fellow people. In other words, convince them to treasure the few blue speckled eggs we have left.

Any help is appreciated! Especially grammar help.

Suspended for ignoring the thread title creation rules.


Llamapoop123 7 / 442  
Dec 26, 2009   #2
This is an event, not an example of the world you come from.

Those speckled eggs represent what people have destroyed-are in the process of destroying. My interest lies in science, where I might possibly reverse previous damage on ecosystems and aquatic habitats. But this does not mean I cannot extend my influence to change the attitudes of fellow people. In other words, convince them to treasure the few blue speckled eggs we have left.

^I don't understand this part. How can science reverse this scenario?
OP whitepolarbear 7 / 31  
Dec 28, 2009   #3
This one describes my world more.

The daily hours of imprisonment were over. Discarding my backpack at home, I ran outside, dirty tennis shoes squeaking on neat walkway. Temperature: warm; breezy. All seemed to be in order, and the afternoon spanned out before me. Perhaps I would visit the turtles in the botanical garden nearby for the fourth time that week. The dorms of the Claremont School of Theology were certainly a bleak prospect for children with its whitewashed walls and patchy expanses of grass. My dad was a student working on his PhD, so our family of five had to make do with a cramped one bedroom apartment. Computer games and television were out of the question, so I mostly remained outside. Skin browned by the sun, I would capture lizards with my bare hands, climb ladders to observe birds' nests, and scan for tadpoles in the artificial pond. I was intrigued by anything that looked curiously different from me. While the other children avoided the dumpster at night, I would go just to catch a glimpse of the coyotes. Now, of course, I realize how hazardous it is to venture so close to a beast with teeth, and Rancho Bernardo's suburban setting makes it almost impossible to find the nesting hole of a squirrel. But my memorable childhood has instilled within me a great interest in biology and the environment. The concept of bioremediation captivates me, and I yearn to do research that is beneficial to the biodiversity that amazed me years ago.

Home / Undergraduate / "My interest lies in science" - MIT World I come from
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