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"My journey as a student" - Entrance Essay for UT Austin, major undeclared

fizzaimam 1 / -  
Sep 8, 2010   #1
i am looking forward to apply to UT Austin. In order to apply, i have to write two essays one of which is statement of purpose. I have never written a statement of purpose before and for that reason i am a little nervous of what to write about ,especially because i am applying as an undeclared major... if anyone could help me with that, i will be really thankful!

Statement of Purpose

My journey as a student

"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, learning from failure." A quote by Colin Powell I have always believed in, and following it, I have thrived and grown into a confident being. And to believe in myself has always been my first priority.

Throughout the twenty years of my life, I have come across many disappointments, and I have also had failure knocking on my door several times, but I was certain of accepting it, only to consider my failure an experience and learn from it. We learn from our mistakes, as many people say, but there are few who have the power to act upon it. Fortunately, I consider myself among those who accept their mistakes and are ready to rectify them.

My love affair with challenges has never come to a stop, and I believe it never will. I believe that welcoming challenges has played an important role in shaping my self esteem. Being an obligated student, an active community helper, and above all a responsible family member has been no less than a challenge, but today I stand proud of myself for achieving this challenge.

Being a dreamer, I have always planned on becoming a lot of things since childhood. When I was little, I wanted to be a doctor, lawyer, pilot, social worker, journalist, and a film maker altogether. But as I grew old I realized that life is too short to accomplish everything, and that I should focus on one thing I was passionate about and would want to spend my life doing. So I began a journey of research about the things I have ever wanted to be, and that journey still hasn't ended. Being an explorer, I have found many things that interest me, and it becomes hard for me to pick only one when there is so much to see in this fascinating world. For that reason I wish to attend University of Texas, to gain more knowledge on various subjects and the broad variety of courses you offer, and to find that one thing I am passionate about.

When I graduated high school, it was like a dream come true. Holding my diploma in my hands, I knew, everything is falling in its place, and I have started climbing the ladder of success. After high school I attended Triton College and took general classes required for Associate's Degree, and earned 36 credit hours. Initially, I found myself a little nervous, because being a college student was certainly different than being a high school one. I had to be more dedicated and keep myself updated, because there was no one there to remind me of what I was supposed to do, I had to do everything on my own. And as I had expected, I found myself organized and responsible; I planned my work ahead and always turned in my projects on time.

I wanted to gain my bachelors from a university rather than a community college. Therefore, meanwhile attending community college, I began a search of the best universities around, which I can attend and make my parents proud by getting my bachelors degree. And that is when I came across University of Texas, and I was certain, that this is the school I want to go to. The admission and coursework requirements seemed feasible and welcoming to me, and so I began my hard work to be able to attend UT Austin.

To attend UT is my biggest goal now, and if I get accepted, it will mean the world to me, and I will put all my efforts to find my passion. I hope the admission committee considers my academic background eligible and accepts my request to be a part of UT.

If anyone can please help me out! i will be very thankful! Any type of criticism is welcomed

EF_Kevin 8 / 13093  
Sep 10, 2010   #2
learning from failure." This is a quote by Colin Powell I...

And to believe in myself has always been my first priority. This sentence does not really accomplish anything because the meaning is unclear.

Fortunately, I consider myself among those who accept their mistakes and are ready to rectify them. --- if you keep this sentence at the end of the first paragraph, it will make the reader feel like the essay is all about your mistakes. But it is not... so, move this discussion of learning from mistakes, and make room at the end of the first paragraph to give a sentence that expresses your main truth, your message to the reader. It should probably be something about what you ARE certain about, since your major is still uncertain.

And that is when I came across University of Texas, and I was certain, that this is the school I want to go to. The admission and coursework requirements seemed feasible and welcoming to me,----- unimpressive, can you write about your passions and your intuition? Something specific and impressive, like ... you can write about 3 fields that might be the fields you enter, and you can write about how this school keeps your options open. Show that you do think about what you want to do in the future. :-)

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