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Kenan-Flagler Business School essay help. How to begin? (Two choices)

blind527 7 / 34  
Jul 30, 2011   #1
Past experiences have proven time and time again that most teams struggle without proper communication, a common goal and an enthusiastic attitude to succeed. I feel that without these important placeholders, finding the motivation to collaborate with one another is inevitably unobtainable, and severely restricts the team from achievement.

During a group activity in my Calculus II class, I gained the respect and trust of group members as a leader by organizing an efficient layout and solution to a project presented in class. The project began when our professor provided each group with a uniquely shaped vase, and without guidance, instructed us to create an intangible 3D model of our individual vase in Maple, a mathematics software program.

Initially, it was difficult to collaborate effectively because the group experienced moderate dissension; some members were reluctant to contribute their efforts and lacked motivation, while others were over-eager and uncooperative. Dealing with these issues proved to be challenging, but by taking charge and relegating tasks, I was able to recognize how individual group members were able to contribute based on his/her understanding of the material. Despite enduring quite a difference between my partners' impact in the process of coming to a final product, we felt that working together enhanced our individual efforts and ideas. Our ability to overcome the challenges we faced early on made us stronger as a team and motivated us to exceed and expand our potential.

Considering my determination to accomplish tasks in such a way that satisfies all members of the group, I feel that my ability to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of individuals, as well as my own, greatly contributes to the business program. I would be able to not only assist others in strengthening their skills, but also take help from others to continue the learning process. Furthermore, with my persistence in expanding my capacity to learn and desire to interact with people, I feel that I can help develop a stronger business community.

As a student of the business program, I hope to establish a strong personal relationship with fellow students and professors by actively participating in class discussions, forming study groups and communicating with professors during scheduled office hours. This will allow me to learn from and collaborate with some of the best minds in the program, enabling me to enhance my interpersonal skills while gaining the confidence and discipline vital to my success.

Professionally, I hope to gain awareness and a stronger understanding of how the world works politically, socially, technologically and economically. I feel that exposure to diverse cultures will help me gain insight on crucial aspects of the global world. This is important to me because a better global understanding will help me reinforce what it means to be a true and respectful leader in the local and global communities. In light of the global financial meltdown, I hope that the business program provides me the knowledge and experience necessary to accomplish my goal of becoming an ethical leader in the financial world.

amrosca 4 / 130  
Jul 31, 2011   #2
Hei, Kurt!

Here some suggestions:
1. Past experiences have proven me time and time again that no team can function properly without it's people, without a common goal, without motivation. But sometimes, somewhere along the road people slip. They want to give up their goal, they lose their motivation. And I have learned that the one to bring them back on track is a leader.

2. One I was engaged in a Calc II Maple project with fellow colleges. We were required ...
3. A plumber always needs his wrench or else he would be impaired. He must fix pipes and drains and installations and make all the nuts and screws stick together. Similarly, a team must achieve a common goal, a team must be organized and strong, a team must be a team. Similarly to the plumber, a team needs something to keep it together. However, it does not need a wrench, it needs a leader. [Ugh, I chose a bad example, but you get the idea. Compare the relationship leader-team to something else.]

Now, let me be honest: Anyone could start your essay for you, but the words that will suit you best will be your own words. If you feel like skipping an intro, skip it, jump right into the matter and talk about your project. If not, then write one.

I know it can be hard, but think about how you motivated others to finish that difficult project you want to talk about. Now start kicking your own ass and write an essay already! If it doesn't turn out well the first time, it's no problem, we're here to help!

Good luck! :D
OP blind527 7 / 34  
Aug 1, 2011   #3
I really appreciate your help. I like your first idea and think I am going to incorporate that into my essay. Thank you so much!

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