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The last time I post this - Tufts supplements - "why Tufts?"

zowzow 10 / 175  
Dec 31, 2008   #1
yes i have posted about tufts before but these are completely different to the other ones. and not many people have helped me out

Why tufts?

Due to the globalization, the world is coming closer. This is why I believe we should be more aware of others and learn about our neighbors instead of ignoring them. Tufts, with its strong International Relations school and support for study abroad programs will help me to understand the world, not just through books, but along with its diverse campus, through first-hand experience. Tufts will make me better prepared to face the challenges and to lead this new beginning of our world

"let your life speak. Describe the environment in which you were raised and how it influenced the person you are today.

Me: Help me God! I need something to write about!
God: Why don't you write about me?
M: About you? What do you mean?
G: Well, your relationship with me and my influences on your life.
M: Sorry, still not following.
G: Okay. You have been following me for... what, 18 years?
M: No, I was born agnostic. But I was baptized before I left for Australia, so about eight years? And I have been an alter server for about seven.

G: Wow! That is impressive! You must be considered quite "holy" amongst your friends. I mean Australia is quite a secular society.
M: Yes, but I don't consider myself "holy." I have not finished the Bible and I am having a hard time following all your teachings. Some of them do not make sense to me and a lot of them seem to contradict each other.

G: That's interesting. Though you do not agree with everything I have said, what made you remain a Catholic? How did my teachings influence you?

M: Well, one thing that influenced me the most was, "love your neighbor as yourself," the golden rule. As a Catholic, I loved the fact that we are asked to help and look after each other regardless of their race, economic status or even their religious faith. It changed my view of the world. It is no longer just about me, but it's also about everyone else around me. I feel the need to help others any way I can, whether it is with their math homework or listening to their problems or sharing my spare change. (need better examples than these lol)But it is not just people either. I try to recycle and not waste material and save as much energy as possible. I think this attitude of mine is why I want to pursue a career where I can devote my time for others. I think this is the greatest influence Catholicism has had on me.

G: There, you have answered your own question.
M: Wow! Thank you so much! But can I ask you something else before you go?
G: Hmm?
M: Will I get into Tufts?
G: ... Umm, oh look at the time! I will have to get back to you on that.
M: Okay! Talk to you later God!

OP zowzow 10 / 175  
Dec 31, 2008   #2
this is also my optional one
i don't think anyone will have a look at it but well, just incase.

1. Since the silent movies of the 1920s first flickered on the screen, the medium of film has inspired, provoked, entertained and educated. Select a film whose message or imagery resonated with you long after the credits rolled. How did it capture your imagination or affect your consciousness?

"So do you think he is guilty?" juror number 10 asked.
"No! He is not guilty!" I answered back loudly.
"Hey! Don't yell. It's just a movie," scolded my brother.
"Oh yeah, sorry."
I forgot. I thought I was one of the characters in the movie for a second.

Like many others, I have watched countless amounts of movies. They have motivated, amused or shocked me in various ways. But only one has sincerely captivated me in such a way that I have never been able to forget it. It was during a school holiday. At first I did not want to watch it because it was a black and white movie. It was made in the 50s! How was that going to be entertaining for a young member of the generation Y? The movie was called 12 Angry Men, directed by Sidney Lumet. Though reluctant at first, I decided to watch it.

Before I realized, I was mesmerized.
OP zowzow 10 / 175  
Dec 31, 2008   #3
anyone care to look over mine? thanks! gotta send this in a couple of hours

and about the ending on the optional one which one is better

It convinced me that one man, indeed, can make a difference. I can change the world.


'It convinced me that one man, indeed, can make a difference. One man can change the world and I want to be that one
mad3na90 4 / 6  
Dec 31, 2008   #4
For the last post
Like many others, I have watched an unquantifiable number of movies i think? The first way sounded a little awkward.

I forgot. For a moment, I thought I was one of the characters. sounds a little stronger

Though most have motivated, amused or shocked me in a multitude of ways,only one has sincerely captivated me unforgetably.

and i like the first ending better. Hope this helps!
OP zowzow 10 / 175  
Dec 31, 2008   #5
thanks a lot! your suggestions make better sense than what i've got! lol

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