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Managing and planing - Quest Bridge College Application - Short Answers Section

min_soe 1 / -  
Sep 20, 2022   #1
These are my answers for questbridge college application. The first two questions have a word limit of 200 and the rest have a limit of 35 words. I have tried to write as much information within the limit as I could and I would really be grateful if I could get some feedback on my responses.


I would say that my proudest achievement, so far in my life, is being able to manage my time and plan ahead. Time management is essential to my life and being able to implement it at an early age is really convenient and efficient, in my opinion. Though I am aware of my responsibilities, to this day, I am still not able to fully utilize this. Sometimes I would get off schedule and be late on tasks but I try to always stay flexible and work things out on the go. I believe that this attribute shows my maturity, understandability and care about my personal life, school life and work.

One essay in a thread please.
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Sep 20, 2022   #2
While being a fantastic time and schedule manager is admirable, that is not exactly the kind of proudest achievement that the reviewer will be looking for. He will be looking more towards achievements that have brought you some sort of recognition. These recognitions could be unique academic achievements / honors / scholarships in relation to your major or community recognition for something you have done for the student community of your school, your town, or state. These are the sorts of achievements that the other applicants will be using to their advantage, and you should do the same.

I am sure that you worked on building your participation exposure during these times, even during the Covid lockdown so you have to think along those lines. Were you ever recognized for any of the activities you haver participated in? What would make your achievement stand out? It has to be something that will strike the reviewer as memorable and unique in terms of accomplishment. The more notable the achievement, the better for your application.

Home / Undergraduate / Managing and planing - Quest Bridge College Application - Short Answers Section
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