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Parsons Essay challenge .. title is Weirdo

Pizdaaumaa 1 / -  
Dec 21, 2015   #1
People see artistic, creative people as weird and because of that most artistic people are invisible in our society. They don't follow the rules, when people are going right they choose go left. When people are not general and extremely creative, society see as "They're not like us" or "They are weird". I feel like mainly there are two types of people in the world, which are "formal people" and "creative people" . Formal people create boxes with perfect proportion and line. Creative people work outside of that box that formal people created. Most of "formal people" are consider "creative people" as weird because they're afraid to express themselves. People who are creative may often seem to have odd behaviours and thought and strange to others, but they follow the beat of their own drum. They worry less about the problems and take the risks. Even they fails million times, it brings 1 billion satisfaction to them. They see things broadly and see opportunity from difficulty. They discern more of the world and make connections between what they hear and see and feel. Hedi Slimane, creative director of Saint Laurent and John Galliano, creative director of Maison Martin Margiela, they are really quiet and media shy but the artwork of that "weirdo" person is invaluable. Life of artistic people are dramatic, they express themselves freely and much cooler forum. Their life far different from regular people. This "weirdo" people rule the fashion industry.

Ssakshijain 28 / 129  
Dec 21, 2015   #2
Hi Pizdaaumaa

People conceive artists and creative people as weird because of which many great artists remain unnoticed in our society. People see excellency as different to them. This makes me feel as if there are two types of people existing in world like two contrasting features of life: Pedestrian and Ostentatious like simple and creative people. (Either you say formal or informal/simple or creative/ general or specific: choose the words which can be compared)

Simple people live in boxes with specific proportions and boundaries whereas creative people move out of the box to explore new boundaries.
Some consider the introvert and odd behavior of artists as strange despite understanding that introverts enjoy their own beat of drum while trying the new risky adventures of life. Failure is the reason of happiness in their lives. They perceive difficulties pertaining to worldwide views as new opportunities to excel. They closely feel and connect themselves with what they see and hear.

Some of the creative artists like Hedi Slimane, creative director of Saint Laurent and John Galliano, creative director of Maison Martin Margiela, are quiet and introvert but the artwork of that "weirdo" person is invaluable.

I could not understand your prompt but I liked the material, so tried to write it differently. If this helps you, rest I could not work for the ending of essay as I am not able to understand the end part.

Good luck :)
vangiespen - / 4088  
Dec 26, 2015   #3
Pidza, I know and undersatand that you titled your piece of writing "Wierdo", the question I have for you is, why did you choose that title? So this is an essay challenge that is part of your common app essay packet, what is the prompt that you were given? Without the instructions or reason that you chose this title, as provided by Parsons, we can't help you edit this essay properly nor offer comments that you will find relevant to the editing or finalizing of the essay. Kindly provide that information to use when you can because we cannot function without it.

If you are opting to write a comparison essay of "formal people" versus "wierdo's", it would be best for you to approach the essay in paragraph form, with discussions covering only 1 trait of each description per paragraph so that the remaining 3 paragraphs can contain a proper opinion coming from you and an acceptable conclusion to your discussion at the end. Keep in mind though that my advice is only applicable to the current form of the essay and will definitely be altered depending upon the proper prompt that you are trying to respond to.

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