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The Peking Opera - Describe your activities

fabxx 9 / 6  
Nov 25, 2008   #1
Hi. I have to elaborate on two of my activities. Please check for 1) grammar 2) the flow of the essay 3) any suggestions on how to make it better? Thanks in advance!!

I was elected as the Public Relations Officer. To me, it is the best office in the student council. I love advertising and marketing and being Public Relations Officer lets me do what I love to do. The most challenging thing I learn is that as the Public Relations Officer you have to get the information across, not violating any school rules but to also make it 'hip, and cool' for the students to actually interact and understand it. This is the most challenging part but also the most fun.

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The Peking Opera is not an activity most people are familiar with. It involves heavy clothing and traditional chinese makeup. We uses wooden swords and long sticks as our 'instrument' to perform. I love Peking Opera not because of the traditional chinese makeup but because I get to experience something very different. Not a lot of people get to do Peking Opera but I am thankful that I am blessed with the oppturnity to participate, to learn and to compete which my team got 4th in the district. Peking Opera not only taught me the Chinese culture but also a very valuable lesson in life. Through the performances, my teacher once said that 'even though the fastest, smartest student may master these techniques quickly so they can get it over with, it is the one with the most passionate and determination that will master these techniques for life. I don't mean Peking Opera techniques but the little tiny techniques that people who just want to get it over with can not see. Sometimes all of you have to just slow down and look around you, because a lot of people miss what's right in front of them to excel something they think is more important in the future.' This lesson that my Peking Opera's teacher taught me is a very valuable lesson that cannot be learnt by watching T.V or by memorizing history facts. This lesson is taught when two people of the same passionate get together and talk.

EF_Team5 - / 1585  
Nov 25, 2008   #2
Good afternoon :)

In regards to the first piece, one suggestion:

'hip, and cool'

Should be "hip and cool."

In regards to the second piece:

'instrument' should be "instruments"

'even though the fastest, smartest student may master these techniques quickly so they can get it over with, it is the one with the most passionate and determination that will master these techniques for life.

Where does this quote end? Also, it should have double quotation marks (") at the beginning and end instead of the apostrophe (').

...important in the future.'

Where does this quote begin?

I think the organization and flow is fine for both pieces.

Moderator, EssayForum.com

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