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'40 question paper' - describe an incident which led you to challenge yourself

ksu 1 / 4  
Aug 31, 2014   #1
Hi all,
Can anyone please throw some lights on this subject ?

Describe an incident which led you to challenge yourself (academically, emotionally,
Once upon a time, I went to nearby library in my town, a pile of quiz books alphabetically arranged on the shelf. It is neatly and tidily managed. There were some interesting quiz books that attracted me to try my writing abilities and general knowledge. It comes along with answered key on the last page of book. After trying a 40 question paper, I found that just half of my answers were correct and the rest were wrong. Embarrassed me.! This incident inspired me to take a plan for an academic course.

Thanks for your help

vangiespen - / 4087  
Aug 31, 2014   #2
I was wondering if there is a word limit to this essay? It is quite short in content and cannot be considered a full essay at this point. A full essay is 250-300 words minimum. The topic that you chose to discuss is quite relevant to the prompt and should be further developed. I suggest that you discuss how you became fascinated by the questions being asked.Perhaps mention how you knew that you did not know the right answer to some questions but decided to test your knowledge anyway. Then explain how embarrassed you were to discover that you knew even less than you actually thought. This discovery then led you to strive to better yourself by pursuing an academic degree.

A few questions though. What are you planning to major in? It would help to let us know about that so that we can better structure the content of the essay towards explaining why you decided on that particular major. The information will help to further enhance the essay content as well because we can pinpoint the exact keywords that will hold the attention of the admissions officer as well. There are a lot more things we can do to further improve the essay content and grammar wise. We just need to know what direction the paper should be headed for :-)
nguoi_co_doc 7 / 12  
Sep 1, 2014   #3
Before writing your essay, with this type of essays, I think it is easier for you if you make some questions relevant to your duties.

For instance,
1. what is the name of incident ?
2. Any serious consequences ?
2. where was happened ?
3. how was you feel ?
4. How have been you changed from this incident ?
5. how was you feel after realising your improvement ?
OP ksu 1 / 4  
Sep 3, 2014   #4
Thanks for your reply. This is the best way to help me develop new ideas
This is a 70-100 words essay for addmision to Uopeople. I would describe it as Bad Writing Skill, and as a consequence of being smart, always good enough without trying.

Because words limit is 100, so I will be too much to fit in with others ideas.
vangiespen - / 4087  
Sep 3, 2014   #5
Well then, you did pretty well within 100 words. Although, there are a number of grammatical errors that affected the overall essence of the paper, you managed to let the reader know that you understood the prompt and provided a statement that, although cluttered, answered the requirements posed. The way you grammatically present yourself will improve over time and with regular practice. The incident that you chose was good in the sense that it showed a desire for you to learn and that lack of knowledge is something that you cannot accept. Hence, that will make you a very good and studious student in the future. Overall, it was a good first try. You should try to revise your answer. Now that you have written a first draft, you can try a second draft and see what improvements you were able to make using our previous comments on the first draft :-) I am sure you will notice the difference between the two.
OP ksu 1 / 4  
Sep 6, 2014   #6
Thanks for your advise, the errors are stroke, now my 2nd draft would be this

I have always been smart, always good enough without trying, I went to nearby library in my town, there iswas a pile of quiz books alphabetically arranged on the shelf. It iswas neatly and tidily managed. There were some interesting quiz books that attract me to try my best in writing abilities and general knowledge. It comes along with answered key on the last page of book. After trying a 40 question paper, I found that just half of my answers were correct and the rest were wrong. Embarrassed me.! This incident inspired me to take an academic course.

Your commend and advise are really helpful.
vangiespen - / 4087  
Sep 6, 2014   #7
This is definitely a vast improvement over the first version. I advice that you correct a few minor errors though. Just to clean up the grammar and fix the sentence structure. I listed those below :-)

quiz books that attract me to try my best in writing abilities and general knowledge

- ... that attracted me to test my general knowledge

It comes along with answered key on the last page of book

- It came along with an answer key on the last page of the book.

Embarrassed me.!

- I was embarrassed !

These corrections ought to clean up the paper for you :-)
OP ksu 1 / 4  
Sep 14, 2014   #8
Thank you very much for you time and efforts.
I am sorry for about the clutter and a lot of grammatical errors in the statement. I will practice regularly and hope to minimize this issue in my next statements. Your comments are invaluable for me as a beginner, I liked.

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