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ready for a new start ~ readmit essay

mustanglove 1 / -  
May 20, 2014   #1
i'd like to start again at the university, but because of an academic suspension, they request that i answer the following questions. Any feedback is sincerely appreciated. Thanks.

The statement of readiness must have the following information:
What major you want to pursue and why
Explain causes for any past academic issues (including academic probation or suspension) and how you plan to remedy the situation
Explain what you did during your time away from University of ****
Explain what changes will be made to make sure that academic success will occur in the future

After the fall semester of 2011, I was put on academic suspension from the University of *******. Although extenuating circumstances had a significant impact on my academic performance, I accept full responsibility for my poor choices resulting in underperformance.

When I started at the University of ******, I was very excited. Having just graduated high school, I thought I could handle a full 18 hour course load as well as maintain a full time job. Once the semester began, I felt a little overwhelmed, but I thought I could tough it out. When grades came out, I realized that I had not done as well as I was hoping for. The next semesters, I attempted lowering both my course work as well as work hours, but it was not enough, leading to my ultimate suspension from University of *****. A combination of this, and my undecisiveness careerwise, led to my ultimate failure.

Education has always been an important factor in my life, and although I could not continue at University of ******, I believed it to be best to continue what I could at a local community college. Doing so, I was able to graduate with an Associate's Degree in Chemistry with a 3.0 GPA in May 2013. I was exposed to various opportunities both through work and at school that sparked an interest for engineering. I wish to pursue a degree in Petroleum Engineering because it's a growing global industry in which I wish to help future generations implement new and safe technologies.

During my journey away from the University, I have learned valuable lessons, and would love nothing more than to be given a chance to show you how I have grown. I have gained more knowledge not just academically, but about myself as well in order to fully utilize my resources and making school my priority.

I hope that you can understand that I am a dedicated student, and plan on spending the rest of my college career proving that. Thank you for your consideration.
Pahan 1 / 1904 553  
May 20, 2014   #2
Having just graduated from high school, I thought I could handle a full 18 hour course load as well aswhile maintaining a full time job.

Once the semester began, I felt a little overwhelmed, but I thought I could toughrough it out.

When grades came out, I realized that I had not done as well as I was hoping for.

... I wish you link this better with the whole idea to arrange a smoother flow.
When the grades got affected, I realized my decisions were not so practical.

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